Home > database > Urgent urgent, trouble you to help me see why submit task is not successful, prompt numeric overflow
Urgent urgent, trouble you to help me see why submit task is not successful, prompt numeric overflow
Declare Jobno1 int. The begin Dbms_job. Submit (jobno1 - job number 'sp_lcn5; ', - execute a stored procedure, '; Don't leave out 'Sysdate - the next execution time "' - each time interval, the interval to day ); Commit; end;
The create or replace procedure sp_lcn5 Is The begin CTL. Sp_drop_table (' etl ', 'test5'); The execute immediate 'create table etl. Test5 as Select * from CTL. Lcn_bak ';
The end;
Don't know why, suddenly this error, until the same code is no problem, ask everybody to help see, urgent urgent!!!