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Cannot POST /api/hotels - 404 not found


I am trying to create a new hotel by using the below API call.

Here you can see the relevant POST request

I can see that the application is running:

Connected to backend. mongoDB connected! Connected to mongoDB.

Howeverö couldn't access the api/hotels endpoint. Any ideas where I am making a mistake here?

Here is the hotels.js file

import express from "express";
import Hotel from "../models/Hotel.js";

const router = express.Router();

router.post("/api/hotels", async (req,res)=>{
    const newHotel = new Hotel(req, body)

        const savedHotel = await newHotel.save()
router.put("/:id", async (req,res)=>{
        const updatedHotel = await Hotel.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.id, { $set: req.body})


export default router;


// import express from "express";
// import dotenv from "dotenv";
import mongoose from "mongoose";
import express from "express";
import authRoute from "./routes/auth.js";
import usersRoute from "./routes/users.js";
import hotelsRoute from "./routes/hotels.js";
import roomsRoute from "./routes/rooms.js";

const app = express();
// dotenv.config()

const connect = async ()=>{
    try {
        await mongoose.connect('mongodb srv://********@******.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority');
        console.log("Connected to mongoDB.")
    }   catch (error) {
        throw error 

mongoose.connection.on("disconnected", ()=>{
    console.log("mongoDB disconnected!")
mongoose.connection.on("connected", ()=>{
    console.log("mongoDB connected!")

// middlewares

app.use("api/auth", authRoute);
app.use("api/users", usersRoute);
app.use("api/hotels", hotelsRoute);
app.use("api/rooms", roomsRoute);

app.listen(8800, ()=>{
    console.log("Connected to backend.")
    app.get('/', (_, res) => res.send({message: 'Hello from Express'}))

CodePudding user response:

Use just router.post("/" instead of router.post("/api/hotels", because now full path for your endpoint is /api/hotels/api/hotels

CodePudding user response:

Looks like the problem could be here:

const newHotel = new Hotel(req, body)

And within the definition of Hotel. I am assuming that Hotel looks something like this for the sake of the example:

const hotelSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ hotelName: 'string', rooms: 'number' });
export const Hotel = mongoose.model('Hotel', hotelSchema);

When you call an instance of the new Schema it should be done this way:

const newHotel = new Hotel({rooms: 4, hotelName: "Shuraton"})

and not:

const newHotel = new Hotel(req, body)

Anyway, it would be a good practice to validate the request.body, and sanitize the input before. You can do that with Joi express-validtor or ajv.

Let me know if that helped.

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