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VFP9.0 UNICODE conversion error, help you greatly


Collected data from a website is as follows:
[{"MatchID":"1438052","EventType":"8","HomeOrAway":"1","OccurTime":"26","PlayerID":"125876","PlayerName":"\u827e\u6770"},{"MatchID":"1438052","EventType":"1","HomeOrAway":"2","OccurTime":"34","PlayerID":"27048","PlayerName":"\u8f9b\u514b\u83b1\u5c14 (\u52a9\u653b:\u798f\u96f7\u65af\u7279)"},{"MatchID":"1438052","EventType":"1","HomeOrAway":"1","OccurTime":"48","PlayerID":"101064","PlayerName":"\u6885\u65af\u9ad8\u592b (\u52a9\u653b:\u798f\u96f7\u65af\u7279)"},{"MatchID":"1438052","EventType":"1","HomeOrAway":"1","OccurTime":"49","PlayerID":"112707","PlayerName":"P.\u7279\u6b66\u9a6c\u897f (\u52a9\u653b:\u68ee\u9ad8)"},{"MatchID":"1438052","EventType":"1","HomeOrAway":"1","OccurTime":"69","PlayerID":"112707","PlayerName":"P.\u7279\u6b66\u9a6c\u897f (\u52a9\u653b:\u68ee\u9ad8)"},{"MatchID":"1438052","EventType":"3","HomeOrAway":"1","OccurTime":"70","PlayerID":"89241","PlayerName":"\u73c0\u65af\u5c3c\u53ef\u5a01"},{"MatchID":"1438052","EventType":"1","HomeOrAway":"2","OccurTime":"80","PlayerID":"131694","PlayerName":"\u5965\u5229\u7ef4\u5c14 (\u52a9\u653b:\u963f\u59c6\u65af\u7279\u6717)"},{"MatchID":"1438052","EventType":"3","HomeOrAway":"1","OccurTime":"82","PlayerID":"78524","PlayerName":"\u68ee\u9ad8"},{"MatchID":"1438052","EventType":"1","HomeOrAway":"2","OccurTime":"90","PlayerID":"36593","PlayerName":"L.\u683c\u96f7\u798f\u897f\u65af (\u52a9\u653b:N.\u6bd4\u987f)"},{"MatchID":"1438052","EventType":"3","HomeOrAway":"1","OccurTime":"90","PlayerID":"105004","PlayerName":"S.\u52a0\u8d3a\u534e\u514b"}]
Some data for UNIcode, using strconv () function conversion out is garbled, help you the boss!
The code below
A1=STRCONV (FILETOSTR (" AAAA. UNI "), 6) & amp; & The original data stored in the AAAA. UNI file
=strtofile (b1, "AAAA. TXT") & amp; & AAAA. TXT to save the converted data
Execution after use notepad to open the AAAA. TXT is garbled

CodePudding user response:

WIN10 system, vfp9.0
Such as string \ u8f9b \ u514b \ u83b1 \ u5c14, using network UNICODE on online translation tools can get the correct conversion result is "Sinclair
"But it can not get the correct results in VFP9.0
The code below
Str1=strconv ([\ u8f9b \ u514b \ u83b1 \ u5c14], 6)
Showed the str1 a long list of garbled

CodePudding user response:

Unicode already has two ways, one is the low byte in the front and the high byte in the former
\ u this encoding method is just the opposite and VFP
Messagebox (strconv (0 h9b8f + 0 h4b51 + 0 hb183 + 0 h145c, 6))
Is the results you want

CodePudding user response:

To explain these too much trouble to yourself and the best loaded into the browser, the browser to translate

CodePudding user response:

To be off work, give you write a small piece of code, to modify; The browser to explain coding, presumably the idea

In the form and add a button, Click post the following code:
 Local cc 

The Text to cc Noshow
. Post your a long json string

The Text to cc Noshow Textmerge
Var cc='& lt; ';
Document. The title=cc;

Thisform. AddObject (ie, 'olecontrol', 'Shell. The Explorer')
With Thisform. Ie as Shell. The Explorer
Navigate (' the about: blank)
. The Document. The write (cc)
Cc=. The Document. The Title
Thisform. RemoveObject (' ie ')

MessageBox (cc) & amp; & Look at the browser after decoding results

CodePudding user response:

Thank the moderator, has done!
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