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How would you write a test case in python for a function that prints a lot of print statements?


i was recently trying to learn how to write my unittest cases. I was able to do for the basic integer add, sub functions. But now i wanted to do for something more like Passwordchecker. Here is my code.

from ast import main

from unicodedata import name

def PasswordCheck(password):
    #To get the length of the passsword
    n = len(password) #score is password > 8 = 10

    #variables to check conditions and rules to score
    startDigit = 0 #score = 10
    hasDigit = 0 #score = 25
    hasChar = 0 #score = 25
    hasUpper = False #score = 15
    hasLower = False #score = 15 
    normalChar = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" 
    score = 0 
    count = 0
    #Iterating through each character
    for i in range(n):
        #checks if character is a digit.
        if password[i].isdigit():
            hasDigit  = 1
        #checks if character is a speacialcharacter
        elif password[i] not in normalChar:
            hasChar  = 1
        #checks if character is Uppercase
        elif password[i].isupper():
            hasUpper = True
        #checks if character is lowercase
        elif password[i].islower():
            hasLower = True
    #checks if the first character is a digit
    if password[0].isdigit():
            startDigit = 1

    #Scoring based on the rules
    if startDigit == 0:
        score  = 10
    if hasLower:
        score  = 15
    if hasUpper:
        score  = 15
    if hasChar >= 2:
        score  = 25
    if hasDigit >= 2:
        score  = 25
    if n >= 8:
        score  = 10

    #Printing the Grades for their respective scores.
    if score < 50:
    elif score >= 50 and score < 75:
    elif score >= 75 and score < 90:
        print('VERY GOOD')

    #Printing the rules that contribute to the least to the scoring
    if score < 75:
        print("The rules that contribute least towards your password strength\n")
        if startDigit == 0 and count < 2:
            print("Your password doesn't start with a Number")
            count  = 1
        if n >= 8 and count < 2:
            print("Your password has atleast 8 characters") 
            count  = 1
        if hasLower and count < 2:
            print("Your password has lowercase characters")
            count  = 1
        if hasUpper and count < 2:
            print("Your password has uppercase characters")
            count  = 1
        if hasChar >= 2 and count < 2:
            print("Your password contains more than 2 special characters")
            count  = 1
        if hasDigit >= 2 and count < 2:
            print("Your password contains more than 2 numbers")
            count  = 1

    if __name__ == "__main__":
    password = input("Enter the Password:")

my test case is:

  import unittest 
from passwordchecker import PasswordCheck

class Testpasswordchecker(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_passwordcheck(self):
        password = "Iampassword1"
        result = PasswordCheck(password)
        self.assertEqual(result, "AVERAGE")

if __name__=="__main__":

this particular test returns fail! I request anyone to help me learn more about designing these test cases as i am new to python.

CodePudding user response:

You can use unittest.mock.patch as a function decorator to temporarily replace the built-in print function with a Mock object within the scope of the test method, so that after calling PasswordCheck, you can validate that PasswordCheck called print with the expected arguments by calling Mock.assert_has_calls:

from unittest.mock import patch, call

class Testpasswordchecker(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_passwordcheck(self, mock_print):
        password = "Iampass"
            call('The rules that contribute least towards your password strength\n'),
            call("Your password doesn't start with a Number"),
            call('Your password has lowercase characters')
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