I've created a vertical gradient (black to white) as a mask layer for an UIImageView
, but the linear fade is not working for me.
I want to show more of the full-alpha image and fade quicker towards the bottom, so I was thinking an exponential curve is what I'm looking for. I'd really like to avoid manually adding extra colors/locations, as it will look pretty choppy.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Edit: here's the difference
As you can see, there's a lot less black in the exponential one.
CodePudding user response:
There's no built in way to do that with CAGradientLayer
. Sadly! I've wanted it too.
Have you tried adding lots of stops? That's probably what you want to do. Don't think of it as manually adding stops, and don't do it by hand. Instead, think of it as writing a custom easing function for your gradient. You should be able to get things looking good.
I haven't used these, but there are at least a couple of older projects on GitHub that might provide a starting point:
CodePudding user response:
I ended up writing my own function, settling on a easeInOutCubic:
let equation: ((Double)->Double) = { x in
//ease in out cubic
return x < 0.5 ? 4 * x * x * x : 1 - pow(-2 * x 2, 3) / 2
var colors: [CGColor] = []
var locations: [NSNumber] = []
let min: Double = 0
let max: Double = 1
let steps: Double = 30
for i in stride(from: min, through: max, by: max/steps)
let alpha = 1 - equation(i)
let location = NSNumber(value: i)
//assign colors/locations to new gradient layer
myGradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
myGradientLayer.frame = bounds
myGradientLayer.colors = colors
myGradientLayer.locations = locations
//assign gradient layer as mask
layer.mask = myGradientLayer