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Help me to find out whether, lock the package name


The require "import"
Import "android app. *"
Import "android OS. *"
Import "android. Widget. * '
* "import" android. View.
The import "layout"
* "import" android. Content.
Import android. The provider. "Settings", "
Import "android. The content. The Context"
The import "AndLua
"The import "page_1
"The import "page_2
"The import "page_3
"The import "su"

The window title (' floating window)
Set the theme (state Richard armitage ndLua5)
Load the page (" layout ")
Hide the title bar ()
Immerse the status bar ()
Import "Win_Lay" -- import layout
The import "Min_Lay
"Import "android. The content. The Context"

WmManager=activity. GetSystemService (Context. WINDOW_SERVICE) - get window manager
HasFocus=false - if there is a focus of
WmParams=WindowManager. LayoutParams object () -
WmParams. Type=WindowManager. LayoutParams. TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT - for floating window way
Import "android. Graphics. PixelFormat" - import
WmParams. Format=PixelFormat. RGBA_8888 - set the background
WmParams. Flags=WindowManager. LayoutParams () FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE - focus Settings
WmParams. Gravity=gravity. LEFT | gravity. The TOP - gravity setting
WmParams. X=activity. GetWidth ()/6
WmParams. Y=activity. GetHeight ()/5
WmParams. Width=WindowManager. LayoutParams. WRAP_CONTENT
WmParams. Hei

CodePudding user response:

The require "import"
Import "android app. *"
Import "android OS. *"
Import "android. Widget. * '
* "import" android. View.
The import "layout"
* "import" android. Content.
Import android. The provider. "Settings", "
Import "android. The content. The Context"
The import "AndLua
"The import "page_1
"The import "page_2
"The import "page_3
"The import "su"

The window title (' floating window)
Set the theme (state Richard armitage ndLua5)
Load the page (" layout ")
Hide the title bar ()
Immerse the status bar ()
Import "Win_Lay" -- import layout
The import "Min_Lay
"Import "android. The content. The Context"

WmManager=activity. GetSystemService (Context. WINDOW_SERVICE) - get window manager
HasFocus=false - if there is a focus of
WmParams=WindowManager. LayoutParams object () -
WmParams. Type=WindowManager. LayoutParams. TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT - for floating window way
Import "android. Graphics. PixelFormat" - import
WmParams. Format=PixelFormat. RGBA_8888 - set the background
WmParams. Flags=WindowManager. LayoutParams () FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE - focus Settings
WmParams. Gravity=gravity. LEFT | gravity. The TOP - gravity setting
WmParams. X=activity. GetWidth ()/6
WmParams. Y=activity. GetHeight ()/5
WmParams. Width=WindowManager. LayoutParams. WRAP_CONTENT
WmParams. Height=WindowManager. LayoutParams. WRAP_CONTENT

MainWindow=loadlayout (winlay)
MinWindow=loadlayout (minlay)

Suspension window function open () - according to

If HasLaunch==true then
Print (" are you retarded? Keep a little point ")

The else
WmManager. AddView (minWindow wmParams)


The function close (v) - shut down
WmManager. RemoveView (mainWindow)
- wmParams=nil
- the mainWindow=nil
- wmManager=nil

IsMa=false - state

The function changeWindow ()
If isMax==false then
WmManager. RemoveView (minWindow)
WmManager. AddView (mainWindow, wmParams)
The else
WmManager. RemoveView (mainWindow)
WmManager. AddView (minWindow wmParams)

The function Win_minWindow. OnClick (v)
ChangeWindow ()

Function Win_minWindow. OnTouchListener (v, event) - mobile
If the event. GetAction ()==MotionEvent. ACTION_DOWN then
FirstX=event. GetRawX ()
FirstY=event. GetRawY ()
WmX=wmParams. X
WmY=wmParams. Y
Elseif event. GetAction ()==MotionEvent. ACTION_MOVE then
WmParams. X=wmX + (event. GetRawX () - firstX)
WmParams. Y=wmY + (event. GetRawY () - firstY)
WmManager. UpdateViewLayout (minWindow wmParams)
Elseif event. GetAction ()==MotionEvent. ACTION_UP then
- changeWindow ()
Return false

- move
Function win_move. OnTouchListener (v, event) - mobile
If the event. GetAction ()==MotionEvent. ACTION_DOWN then
FirstX=event. GetRawX ()
FirstY=event. GetRawY ()
WmX=wmParams. X
WmY=wmParams. Y
Elseif event. GetAction ()==MotionEvent. ACTION_MOVE then
WmParams. X=wmX + (event. GetRawX () - firstX)
WmParams. Y=wmY + (event. GetRawY () - firstY)
WmManager. UpdateViewLayout (mainWindow, wmParams)
Elseif event. GetAction ()==MotionEvent. ACTION_UP then
Return true

- [[
Function windown_move. OnTouchListener (v, event) - mobile
If the event. GetAction ()==MotionEvent. ACTION_DOWN then
FirstX=event. GetRawX ()
FirstY=event. GetRawY ()
WmX=wmParams. X
WmY=wmParams. Y
Elseif event. GetAction ()==MotionEvent. ACTION_MOVE then
WmParams. X=wmX + (event. GetRawX () - firstX)
WmParams. Y=wmY + (event. GetRawY () - firstY)
WmManager. UpdateViewLayout (mainWindow, wmParams)
Elseif event. GetAction ()==MotionEvent. ACTION_UP then
Return true
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