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EM login agent cannot be accessed


After good reconfiguration of EM, through the browser to access, prompt
Reconstruction of the agent, suggesting the Upload was successful but the collections currently disabled - disk full, modify UploadMaxDiscUsedPct=99
UploadMaxDiskUsedPctFloor=99 also useless, then run the emctl status agent, tip
C: \ Users \ Administrator> Emctl status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager 11 g Database Control Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2010, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
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The Agent Version:
OMS Version:
Protocol Version:
Agent Home: E: \ \ Administrator \ product \ app 11.2.0 \ dbhome_1 \ YJKJ - DB_yjkj
The Agent binaries: E: \ \ Administrator \ product \ app 11.2.0 \ dbhome_1
The Agent Process ID: 2108
The Agent URL: https://YJKJ-DB:3938/emd/main
The Repository URL: https://YJKJ-DB:1158/em/upload/
Started at: 2016-10-12 09:14:24
Started by the user: SYSTEM
The Last Reload: the 2016-10-12 09:14:24
The Last successful upload: the 2016-10-12 09:15:22
The Total Megabytes of XML files uploaded so far: 8.14
The Number of XML files pending upload: 0
The Size of XML files pending upload (MB) : 0.00
The Available disk space on the upload filesystem: - 755.96%
Data channel the upload directory: E:/app/Administrator/product/11.2
. 0/dbhome_1 YJKJ - DB_yjkj/sysman/recv
The Collection Status: Disabled by the Upload Manager
The Last successful heartbeat to OMS: the 2016-10-12 09:19:00
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The Agent is Running and Ready
If the Available disk space on the upload filesystem issues, but there are 30% of the disk array Available space, the great spirit guide of all stripes, thank humbly
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