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How to push to History in React Router v6? I face with not found message


I used react@18, redux, and react-router@6. I have a button add to cart on my product page and I want the product to be added to local storage and I have that product on my Cart page. After clicking on add to cart button I passed to Cart page with id but it shows not found. How can I solve this problem?

app.js :

    <Route path="/" index element={<HomePage />} />
    <Route path="/product/:id" element={<ProductPage />} />
    <Route path="/cart/:id?" element={<CartPage />} />
    <Route path="*" element={<NotFound />} />


export const addToCart = (id) => async (dispatch, getState) => {
  const { data } = await axios.get(http://localhost:8000/products/${id});
    type: "CART_ADD_ITEM",
    payload: {
      id: data.id,
      title: data.title,
      image1: data.image1,
      price: data.price,
  localStorage.setItem("cartItems", JSON.stringify(getState().cart.cartItems));


const reducer = combineReducers({
  productList: ProductListReducer,
  productDetail: ProductDetailReducer,
  cart: cartReducer,

const cartItemsFromLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem("cartItems")
  ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("cartItems"))
  : [];
const initialState = { cart: { cartItems: cartItemsFromLocalStorage } };
const middleWare = [thunk];
const store = createStore(


export const cartReducer = (state = { cartItems: [] }, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case "CART_ADD_ITEM":
      const item = action.payload;
      const existingItems = state.cartItems.find(
        (i) => i.id === item.id
      if (existingItems) {
        return {
          cartItems: state.cartItems.map((i) =>
            i.id === existingItems.id ? item : i
      } else {
        return {
          cartItems: [...state.cartItems, item],

      return state;

cart page:

const CartPage = () => {
  const { id } = useParams();
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const cart = useSelector((state) => state.cart);
  const { cartItems } = cart;


  useEffect(() => {
    if (id) {
  }, [dispatch, id]);

  const removeCartHandler= (id) => {

  return (
        <Col lg="12">

          {cartItems.length === 0 ? (
            <p className="text-center">there is nothing in the basket</p>
          ) : (
            <ListGroup variant="flush">
              {cartItems.map((item) => {
                return (
                  <ListGroup.Item key={item.id}>
                    <CartItems product={item} remove={()=>removeCartHandler(item.id)}/>

cart Items

const CartItems = ({product}) => {
  return (
      <Col md={2}>
        <Image src={product.image1} alt={product.title} fluid />
      <Col md={3}>{product.title}</Col>
      <Col md={2}>{product.price}</Col>

product page

const { id } = useParams();
const navigate = useNavigate();

const addToCartHandler = () => {

<Button className="btn btn-default" onClick={addToCartHandler}>
  <i className="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> Add to cart

CodePudding user response:

Remove the trailing "?" from the cart path. react-router-dom@6 Route components don't take optional parameter or use regular expressions in the path prop.

Change path="/cart/:id?" to path="/cart/:id".

    <Route path="/" element={<HomePage />} />
    <Route path="/product/:id" element={<ProductPage />} />
    <Route path="/cart/:id" element={<CartPage />} />
    <Route path="*" element={<NotFound />} />
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