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How to assign unique ids to entries in a column using PySpark?


For example, if I have a dataframe with a name column, where each name can occur multiple times:

| name |
|Alice |
|Bob   |
|Alice |
|Chloe |
|Chloe |

I want to have a column where each name gets a unique id starting from 0:

 ------ ---- 
| name | id |
 ------ ---- 
|Alice | 0  |
|Bob   | 1  |
|Alice | 0  |
|Chloe | 2  |
|Chloe | 2  |
 ------ ---- 

How do I achieve this using PySpark? One possible way is to create a data frame with a column of distinct names and assign index such as using row_number. But that involves joining back to the original table. So I wonder if there's a direct way to achieve this.

CodePudding user response:

Use window functions. Logic and code below

   new =(df.withColumn('order', row_number().over(Window.partitionBy(lit('1')).orderBy(lit('1'))))#Create increasing id
          .withColumn('id', dense_rank().over(Window.partitionBy().orderBy('name'))-1).orderBy('order')#Use window function; dense_ranl to generate new id

 ------- --- 
|   name| id|
 ------- --- 
|  Alice|  0|
|  Bravo|  1|
|Charlie|  2|
|  Alice|  0|
|  Bravo|  1|
 ------- --- 

CodePudding user response:

One easy method is to use StringIndexer - https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/reference/api/pyspark.ml.feature.StringIndexer.html

from pyspark.ml.feature import StringIndexer
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df = spark.createDataFrame([("Alice", 1), ("Bravo", 2), ("Charlie", 3), ("Alice", 4), ("Bravo", 5)], ["name", "id"])

string_indexer = StringIndexer(inputCol='name', outputCol='index').setHandleInvalid("keep")
model = string_indexer.fit(df)
df_index = model.transform(df).select('id', 'name', col('index').cast('int'))
 --- ------- ----- 
| id|   name|index|
 --- ------- ----- 
|  1|  Alice|    0|
|  2|  Bravo|    1|
|  3|Charlie|    2|
|  4|  Alice|    0|
|  5|  Bravo|    1|

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