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How to bind data values to Google Maps API


I am doing some geocoding in my Vue application using the Google Maps API. In the documentation they show different ways of getting coordinates for addresses. eg.


But what if I want to use an address that I already store in my application? Right now I have fields that display street, street number, zip code and city. All these are fetched from my own database. Is there some way I can bind these to the API?

  <b-form-row v-else >
    <input label="street" v-model="addressInfo.streetName" @input="emitUpdateEvent" icon="fas fa-road"
    <input label="numberAbbr" v-model="addressInfo.streetNumber" @input="emitUpdateEvent" icon="fas fa-hashtag"
    <input label="floor" v-model="addressInfo.floor" @input="emitUpdateEvent" icon="fas fa-layer-group"
    <input label="door" v-model="addressInfo.door" @input="emitUpdateEvent" icon="fas fa-door-closed"
    <input label="placeName" v-model="addressInfo.placeName" @input="emitUpdateEvent" icon="fas fa-road"
    <input label="postalCode" v-model="addressInfo.postalCode" @input="updatePostalCode" icon="fas fa-city"
    <input label="city" v-model="addressInfo.city" @input="emitUpdateEvent" icon="fas fa-city" />

I wish to do something like this :

https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?{ addressInfo.streetName   addressInfo.streetNumber   addressInfo.zipCode   addressInfo.postalCode etc. }&key=YOUR_API_KEY

I already made a field called "coordinates" where I store the data.

  getGeoLocationForUnit() {
      .then(result => {
        this.coordinates = result.data
      .catch(error => console.error(error));

CodePudding user response:

Did you try something like that? I mean to try to add dump address with a comma if this will work then you only should create computed for property map data.



computed: {
 getFullAddress() {
  return this.addressInfo.streetName   ','   this.addressInfo.streetNumber   ','   this.addressInfo.zipCode   ','   this.addressInfo.postalCode;

Something like that:

axios.get(`https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=`   this.getFullAddress   `&key=mykey`)

CodePudding user response:

getGeoLocationForUnit() {
    const address = `${this.addressInfo.streetName} ${this.addressInfo.streetNumber} etc..`;
      .then(result => {
        this.coordinates = result.data
      .catch(error => console.error(error));

CodePudding user response:

What you're looking for is template literal strings. String that are wrapped in backticks instead of quotes, simple example:

const name = 'John Smith';

const greeting = `Hello ${name}` // Outputs 'Hello John Smith"

For your use case you can even break address info string creation to separate computed property, and that will make

data: () => ({
  baseApiUrl: 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?',
computed: {
  addressString() {
    const { streetName, streetNumber, zipCode, postalCode } = this.addressInfo
    return `${streetName} ${streetNumber}, ${zipCode} ${postalCode}`
methods: {
  getGeoLocationForUnit() {
    const url = `${baseApiUrl}${addressString}&key=mykey`;
      .then(result => {
        this.coordinates = result.data
      .catch(error => console.error(error));
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