Red is the need to achieve the effect of decreasing
CodePudding user response:
SQL> Create table test (id int, num int, num2 int);
The Table created
SQL> The begin
2 insert into the test values (1238, 0200);
3 the insert into the test values (2238, 0600);
4 the insert into the test values (3238, 0600);
5 the end;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
SQL> Select id, num, num2, num - sum (num2) over (order by id) result from the test.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1, 2380, 2000, 380
2, 2380, 600-220
3, 2380, 600-820
SQL> Drop table test purge;
Table dropped
CodePudding user response:
with t as (
Select 2380 as c1, 2000 as c2 from dual union all
Select 2380 as c1, 600 as c2 from dual union all
Select 2380 as c1, 600 as c2 from dual
Select c1 and c2, case when lag (c3) over (order by an rn) is null then c3 else lag (c3) over (order by an rn) | | '-' | | c2 end c4
The from (select c1 and c2, c1 | | '-' | | c2 c3, rownum rn from t)
CodePudding user response:
As with t (Select id 1, 2380 as c1, 2000 as c2 from dual union all
Select 2 id, 2380 as c1, 600 as c2 from dual union all
Select 3 id, 2380 as c1, 600 as c2 from dual
Select t. *, c1 - sum (c2) over (order by id rows between unbounded preceding and current row) ss from t.