The following functions in addition to choose photos function can be realized, the other two have no effect, bother everybody to help see, thank you,
List three fields, ygbm char (10), ygxm char (10), photo varbinary
Code in the photo button to select the following
String ls_pathname, ls_filename
Integer li_value li_FileNum, loops, I
Long ll_fileLength bytes_read, new_pos
Li_value= (" choose photo ", & amp;
+ ls_pathname ls_filename, "JPG", "JPG Files (*.jpg), *. JPG")
IF li_value= THEN
//Set a wait cursor
SetPointer (HourGlass!
//Get the file length, and open the file
Ll_fileLength=FileLength (ls_filename)//get the length of the file name
Li_FileNum=FileOpen (ls_filename, & amp;
StreamMode! , Read! , LockRead!)
//Determine how many times to call FileRead
IF ll_filelength & gt; THEN 32765
IF the Mod (ll_filelength, 32765)=0 THEN
Loops=(ll_filelength/32765) + 1
END the IF
END the IF
//Read the file
FOR I=1 to loops
Bytes_read=FileRead (li_FileNum, b)
Tot_b=tot_b + b
FileClose (li_FileNum)
P_1. Setpicture (tot_b)
Elseif li_value= then
MessageBox (" choose photo ", "open the file error!" )
End the If
Save function following
Dw_1. Accepttext ()
Dw_1. The update ()
String ls_ygbh
Ls_ygbh=dw_1. Object. Ygbm [dw_1 getrow ()]
UPDATEBLOB ygzl SET photo=: tot_b
WHERE ygbm=: ls_ygbh
USING the sqlca.
IF the sqlca. SQLNRows & lt;> 0 THEN
Messagebox (" prompt ", "no data")
The else
COMMIT the USING the sqlca;
END the IF
Another is written under the data window itemchanged events
Choose a case dwo. Name
Case 'ygbm'
String ls_ygxm, ls_ygbh2
Ls_ygbh2=dw_1. Getitemstring (sa1, "ygbm")
Messagebox (" ", string (ls_ygbh2))
The select ygxm into: ls_ygxm from ygzl where ygbm=: ls_ygbh2;
//messagebox (" ", string (ls_ygxm))
If the sqlca. Sqlcode<> 0 then
Messagebox (" tip ", the sqlca. Sqlerrtext)
The else
Dw_1. Object. Ygxm [row]=ls_ygxm
End the if
Blob Emp_id_pic
INTO: Emp_id_pic
The FROM ygzl
WHERE ygbm=: ls_ygbh2
USING the sqlca.
P_1. SetPicture (Emp_id_pic)
The end choose
CodePudding user response:
Dude, I've seen your code, it's no problem, I even tried it on the update, can also, but I use Oracle and tablet document, you say selectblob is not available, are you sure you have data in the database? Line for updateblob, it has been inserted? May be said is nonsense, but from the information I can only give the advice:)