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First- and second-differences in `marginaleffects`


I would like to compute so-called first- and second- differences (as defined e.g. here) with the package marginaleffects, with standard errors, but I am not sure which function I can use.

Consider this example model:

mod <- lm(mpg ~ hp * factor(cyl), data = mtcars)
pred <- predictions(mod, newdata = datagrid(cyl = levels(factor(mtcars$cyl)),
                                            hp = seq(80, 110, 10)))

#    rowid     type predicted std.error statistic       p.value conf.low conf.high cyl  hp mpg
# 1      1 response  26.96095 0.9210528 29.271888 2.364796e-188 25.06770  28.85421   4  80  21
# 2      2 response  25.83320 0.9732779 26.542467 3.137628e-155 23.83259  27.83380   4  90  21
# 3      3 response  24.70544 1.2102719 20.413129  1.278321e-92 22.21769  27.19319   4 100  21
# 4      4 response  23.57768 1.5494525 15.216780  2.736718e-52 20.39273  26.76262   4 110  21
# 5      5 response  20.06479 2.4401222  8.222863  1.987022e-16 15.04905  25.08053   6  80  21
# 6      6 response  19.98866 2.0043577  9.972599  2.009006e-23 15.86864  24.10867   6  90  21
# 7      7 response  19.91252 1.6124942 12.348897  4.938402e-35 16.59799  23.22705   6 100  21
# 8      8 response  19.83639 1.3047065 15.203720  3.340987e-52 17.15453  22.51825   6 110  21
# 9      9 response  16.94054 2.2777361  7.437448  1.026490e-13 12.25859  21.62250   8  80  21
# 10    10 response  16.79810 2.1245264  7.906752  2.641918e-15 12.43108  21.16513   8  90  21
# 11    11 response  16.65566 1.9731806  8.441022  3.145744e-17 12.59973  20.71159   8 100  21
# 12    12 response  16.51322 1.8241629  9.052492  1.397416e-19 12.76360  20.26284   8 110  21

Given the pred dataframe, how can one estimate

  1. First difference. The difference between each contrasting value, for instance between cyl == 8 and cyl == 4 for each of the hp values, with a similar output than in pred (e.g. with p.value, std.error...)?

  2. Second difference. The difference between those differences, i.e. for each of the differences computed in the first step, the difference between them as well as the standard errors.

I am looking for a method that could hopefully work also for logistic regression.

CodePudding user response:

First differences

The comparisons() function gives first differences. You will find a very detailed tutorial in this vignette: https://vincentarelbundock.github.io/marginaleffects/articles/contrasts.html


mod <- lm(mpg ~ hp * factor(cyl), data = mtcars)

    variables = "cyl",
    by = "hp",
    newdata = datagrid(cyl = unique, hp = seq(80, 110, 10))) |>
#>   Term          Contrast  hp  Effect Std. Error z value   Pr(>|z|)   2.5 %
#> 1  cyl mean(6) - mean(4)  80  -6.896      2.608  -2.644 0.00819167 -12.008
#> 2  cyl mean(6) - mean(4)  90  -5.845      2.228  -2.623 0.00871522 -10.212
#> 3  cyl mean(6) - mean(4) 100  -4.793      2.016  -2.377 0.01744227  -8.745
#> 4  cyl mean(6) - mean(4) 110  -3.741      2.026  -1.847 0.06474713  -7.711
#> 5  cyl mean(8) - mean(4)  80 -10.020      2.457  -4.078 4.5336e-05 -14.836
#> 6  cyl mean(8) - mean(4)  90  -9.035      2.337  -3.866 0.00011048 -13.615
#> 7  cyl mean(8) - mean(4) 100  -8.050      2.315  -3.478 0.00050600 -12.587
#> 8  cyl mean(8) - mean(4) 110  -7.064      2.393  -2.952 0.00316093 -11.755
#> Model type:  lm 
#> Prediction type:  response

Second differences

You can take differences in differences using the hypothesis argument. You will find a very detailed tutorial in this vignette: https://vincentarelbundock.github.io/marginaleffects/articles/hypothesis.html

    variables = "cyl",
    by = "hp",
    hypothesis = "pairwise",
    newdata = datagrid(cyl = unique, hp = seq(80, 110, 10))) |>
#>                                             Term  Effect Std. Error  z value
#> 1  mean(6) - mean(4), 80 - mean(6) - mean(4), 90 -1.0516     0.6848 -1.53560
#> 2  mean(6) - mean(4), 80 - mean(6) - mean(4),100 -2.1033     1.3697 -1.53560
#> 3  mean(6) - mean(4), 80 - mean(6) - mean(4),110 -3.1549     2.0545 -1.53560
#> 4  mean(6) - mean(4), 80 - mean(8) - mean(4), 80  3.1242     3.3380  0.93596
#> 5  mean(6) - mean(4), 80 - mean(8) - mean(4), 90  2.1389     3.2676  0.65459
#> 6  mean(6) - mean(4), 80 - mean(8) - mean(4),100  1.1536     3.2688  0.35292
#> 7  mean(6) - mean(4), 80 - mean(8) - mean(4),110  0.1683     3.3414  0.05037
#> 8  mean(6) - mean(4), 90 - mean(6) - mean(4),100 -1.0516     0.6848 -1.53560
#> 9  mean(6) - mean(4), 90 - mean(6) - mean(4),110 -2.1033     1.3697 -1.53560
#> 10 mean(6) - mean(4), 90 - mean(8) - mean(4), 80  4.1759     3.0684  1.36095
#> 11 mean(6) - mean(4), 90 - mean(8) - mean(4), 90  3.1906     2.9208  1.09236
#> 12 mean(6) - mean(4), 90 - mean(8) - mean(4),100  2.2052     2.8496  0.77388
#> 13 mean(6) - mean(4), 90 - mean(8) - mean(4),110  1.2199     2.8604  0.42648
#> 14 mean(6) - mean(4),100 - mean(6) - mean(4),110 -1.0516     0.6848 -1.53560
#> 15 mean(6) - mean(4),100 - mean(8) - mean(4), 80  5.2275     2.9369  1.77994
#> 16 mean(6) - mean(4),100 - mean(8) - mean(4), 90  4.2422     2.7061  1.56763
#> 17 mean(6) - mean(4),100 - mean(8) - mean(4),100  3.2569     2.5483  1.27808
#> 18 mean(6) - mean(4),100 - mean(8) - mean(4),110  2.2715     2.4773  0.91695
#> 19 mean(6) - mean(4),110 - mean(8) - mean(4), 80  6.2791     2.9621  2.11984
#> 20 mean(6) - mean(4),110 - mean(8) - mean(4), 90  5.2938     2.6557  1.99334
#> 21 mean(6) - mean(4),110 - mean(8) - mean(4),100  4.3085     2.4094  1.78824
#> 22 mean(6) - mean(4),110 - mean(8) - mean(4),110  3.3232     2.2427  1.48175
#> 23 mean(8) - mean(4), 80 - mean(8) - mean(4), 90 -0.9853     0.4862 -2.02641
#> 24 mean(8) - mean(4), 80 - mean(8) - mean(4),100 -1.9706     0.9725 -2.02641
#> 25 mean(8) - mean(4), 80 - mean(8) - mean(4),110 -2.9560     1.4587 -2.02641
#> 26 mean(8) - mean(4), 90 - mean(8) - mean(4),100 -0.9853     0.4862 -2.02641
#> 27 mean(8) - mean(4), 90 - mean(8) - mean(4),110 -1.9706     0.9725 -2.02641
#> 28 mean(8) - mean(4),100 - mean(8) - mean(4),110 -0.9853     0.4862 -2.02641
#> Model type:  lm 
#> Prediction type:  response
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