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PB12.5 ftpCreateDirectory function called


PB12.5 call ftpCreateDirectory function is as follows:
The FUNCTION Boolean FtpCreateDirectory (Long hConnect, ref String lDirectory) LIBRARY "WinInet. DLL" ALIAS FOR "FtpCreateDirectoryA
The public function Boolean uf_createdirectory (string directoryname);
Boolean lb_ret
String ls_Curren
TPath=space (255)
Setnull (ls_CurrentPath)
Lb_ret=FtpCreateDirectory (ii_ServerSeesion ls_CurrentPath)
If not lb_ret then
Return false
End the if
Return lb_ret
End the function;

The result is a directory to create success! But the name of the directory only took the first character of the string, such as: the abcd, create a directory called: a, anyone know to help solve it!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

Alias for "FtpCreateDirectoryA; Ansi"

CodePudding user response:

The FUNCTION Boolean FtpCreateDirectory (Long hConnect, ref String lDirectory) LIBRARY "WinInet. DLL" ALIAS FOR "FtpCreateDirectoryW
"For above PB10 UNICODE version, use the W, rather than A,
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