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Find UserName in Different Table Using UserId


I have two tables. One is the userInfo table another is the income expenses table, This table has multiple columns. I want to summation these columns using GROUP BY and try to show TotalIncome, Totalexpenses and userName that it.

Here is the query:

    select Pa.LoginID, Sum(CB.AFDC CB.ChildSupport CB.FoodStamps CB.OtherIncome CB.WagesSalary CB.VeteransBenefit CB.SocialSecurity CB.Retirement CB.GeneraAssistance) as TotalIncome ,
    Sum(CB.WaterSewer CB.Transportation CB.HouseRent CB.FoodCost CB.Electricity CB.DoctorVisit CB.ChildCare CB.CarPayment CB.OtherExpense) as TotalExpences
     from Client_BurnOuts CB
        Join PatientPortalLogins Pa on CB.PatientApplicationId = Pa.PatientApplicationId 
            group by Pa.PatientApplicationId

I can get only the total summation different used:

    select PatientApplicationId, Sum(AFDC ChildSupport FoodStamps OtherIncome WagesSalary VeteransBenefit SocialSecurity Retirement GeneraAssistance) as TotalIncome ,
    Sum(WaterSewer Transportation HouseRent FoodCost Electricity DoctorVisit ChildCare CarPayment OtherExpense) as TotalExpences
    from Client_BurnOuts
    group by PatientApplicationId

CodePudding user response:

Try using a subquery:

select Pa.LoginID, TotalIncome , TotalExpences
    (select PatientApplicationId, 
        Sum(AFDC ChildSupport FoodStamps OtherIncome WagesSalary VeteransBenefit SocialSecurity Retirement GeneraAssistance) as TotalIncome ,
        Sum(WaterSewer Transportation HouseRent FoodCost Electricity DoctorVisit ChildCare CarPayment OtherExpense) as TotalExpences
    from Client_BurnOuts
    group by PatientApplicationId) AS cb
Join PatientPortalLogins Pa on CB.PatientApplicationId = Pa.PatientApplicationId

CodePudding user response:

First aggregate the values grouped by PatientApplicationId from Client_BurnOuts and then join with user table to get user details. Please try the below query.

SELECT Pa.PatientApplicationId, Pa.UserName, Summary.TotalIncome, Summary.TotalExpences
    SELECT CB.PatientApplicationId ,Sum(CB.AFDC CB.ChildSupport CB.FoodStamps CB.OtherIncome CB.WagesSalary CB.VeteransBenefit CB.SocialSecurity CB.Retirement CB.GeneraAssistance) AS TotalIncome 
        ,Sum(CB.WaterSewer CB.Transportation CB.HouseRent CB.FoodCost CB.Electricity CB.DoctorVisit CB.ChildCare CB.CarPayment CB.OtherExpense) AS TotalExpences
    FROM Client_BurnOuts CB 
    GROUP BY CB.PatientApplicationId
) AS Summary            
INNER JOIN PatientPortalLogins Pa ON Summary.PatientApplicationId = Pa.PatientApplicationId 
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