Currently I am calling each specific cell asking for them to change the cell color to be yellow, is there a function that I can write that calls each of these cells to be highlighted? Here is my code. I have a lot of variables that are defined in other subs and not in this one if there is a variable does not appear to be defined.
I also have a long if statement below that has repeating lines of code, but I am not sure I can make those into a function since they all equal different values
Global sysrow As Integer, sysnum As String, specmin As Integer, specmax As Integer, formula As Integer, wsName As String
Global coherencelengrow As Integer, tunrangerow As Integer, averagepowerrow As Integer, sweeprterow As Integer, kclockctrow As Integer, kclockdepthrow As Integer, kclockjitter As Integer, scopefile As Integer, spectrogramdir As Integer, snapdownvol As Integer
Global coherencelength As Integer, tuningrange As Integer, power As Integer, sweeprate As Integer, kclockcount As Integer, kclockdepth As Integer
Sub updateWD()
Dim tuningr As Range, filename As String, spectro_directory As String, percentvol As Variant
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(coherencelengrow, specmin) = coherencelength
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(coherencelengrow, specmin).Interior.Color = vbYellow
For Each tuningr In ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B500").Cells ' for loop needed to prevent from skipping over second row of wavelenght tuning range
If tuningr.value = "Wavelength Range" Then
tuningr(1, 3).value = tuningrange
tuningr(1, 3).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End If
Next tuningr
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(averagepowerrow, specmin) = power
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(averagepowerrow, specmin).Interior.Color = vbYellow
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(kclockdepthrow, specmin) = kclockdepth
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(kclockdepthrow, specmin).Interior.Color = vbYellow
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(kclockjitter, specmin) = kclockcount
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(kclockjitter, specmin).Interior.Color = vbYellow
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(kclockctrow, specmin) = kclockcount
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(kclockctrow, specmin).Interior.Color = vbYellow
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(sweeprterow, specmin) = sweeprate
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(sweeprterow, specmin).Interior.Color = vbYellow
If wsName = "AXP-3" And sweeprate < 50 Then
For Each percentvol In ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B500").Cells
If percentvol.value = "Percent Snapdown Voltage" Then
percentvol(1, 5).value = "95"
percentvol(1, 5).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End If
Next percentvol
ElseIf wsName = "AXP-3" And sweeprate = 50 Then
filename = "Test_50-3"
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(scopefile, formula) = filename
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(scopefile, formula).Interior.Color = vbYellow
spectro_directory = "Test_50-3_spectrogram.set"
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(spectrogramdir, formula) = spectro_directory
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(spectrogramdir, formula).Interior.Color = vbYellow
For Each percentvol In ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B500").Cells
If percentvol.value = "Percent Snapdown Voltage" Then
percentvol(1, 5).value = "98"
percentvol(1, 5).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End If
Next percentvol
ElseIf wsName = "AXP-3" And sweeprate = 100 Then
filename = "Test_100-3"
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(scopefile, formula) = filename
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(scopefile, formula).Interior.Color = vbYellow
spectro_directory = "Test_100-3_spectrogram.set"
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(spectrogramdir, formula) = spectro_directory
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(spectrogramdir, formula).Interior.Color = vbYellow
For Each percentvol In ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B500").Cells
If percentvol.value = "Percent Snapdown Voltage" Then
percentvol(1, 5).value = "110"
percentvol(1, 5).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End If
Next percentvol
ElseIf wsName = "AXP-3" And sweeprate = 200 Then
filename = "Test_200-3"
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(scopefile, formula) = filename
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(scopefile, formula).Interior.Color = vbYellow
spectro_directory = "Test_200-3_spectrogram.set"
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(spectrogramdir, formula) = spectro_directory
Worksheets(sysnum).Cells(spectrogramdir, formula).Interior.Color = vbYellow
For Each percentvol In ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B500").Cells
If percentvol.value = "Percent Snapdown Voltage" Then
percentvol(1, 5).value = "110"
percentvol(1, 5).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End If
Next percentvol
End If
End Sub
CodePudding user response:
You can definitely improve this code with a Sub.
Here's how I would do that:
Sub HighlightIf(SearchRange As Range, Condition As String, OffsetColumn As Long, SetValue As Variant, Optional HighlightColor As Long = vbYellow)
'Looping through each cell in the given search range
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In SearchRange.Cells
'Skip cells containing worksheet errors like #DIV/0! or #NAME?
If Not IsError(Cell.Value) Then
'Compare the cell value to the given search condition
If Cell.Value = Condition Then
'In the same row as this cell, move over a number of columns equal to OffsetColumn - 1
'In that cell, enter the given value and then highlight it
Cell(1, OffsetColumn).Value = SetValue
Cell(1, OffsetColumn).Interior.Color = HighlightColor
End If
End If
End Sub
This works the same as your For Loop, you just need to tell it what to look for and what to fill into the highlighted cells. Using variables instead of hardcoded "95" or "98".
Here's how to use it in your code:
HighlightIf ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B500"), "Percent Snapdown Voltage", 5, "110", vbYellow
I have gone ahead and refactored your code to use the sub as well as make use of With
blocks to simplify some of the repeated lines. Once I did so, I noticed that the only thing changing in the If Statement is the output value (e.g. "95","98","110"), which means that it makes more sense to save the changing output value into a variable and then after the If Statement, use the variable as an argument in the sub.
Sub updateWD()
Const HighlightCondition As String = "Percent Snapdown Voltage"
With Worksheets(sysnum).Columns(specmin)
.Cells(coherencelengrow) = coherencelength
'needed to prevent from skipping over second row of wavelenght tuning range
HighlightIf ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B500"), "Wavelength Range", 3, tuningrange
.Cells(averagepowerrow) = Power
.Cells(kclockdepthrow) = kclockdepth
.Cells(kclockjitter) = kclockcount
.Cells(kclockctrow) = kclockcount
.Cells(sweeprterow) = sweeprate
Union( _
.Cells(coherencelengrow), _
.Cells(averagepowerrow), _
.Cells(kclockdepthrow), _
.Cells(kclockjitter), _
.Cells(kclockctrow), _
.Cells(sweeprterow) _
).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End With
Dim filename As String
Dim spectro_directory As String
Dim HighlightOthers As Boolean
Dim HighlightValue As String
If wsName = "AXP-3" Then
Select Case sweeprate
Case Is < 50
HighlightValue = "95"
Case 50
filename = "Test_50-3"
spectro_directory = "Test_50-3_spectrogram.set"
HighlightValue = "98"
HighlightOthers = True
Case 100
filename = "Test_100-3"
spectro_directory = "Test_100-3_spectrogram.set"
HighlightValue = "110"
HighlightOthers = True
Case 200
filename = "Test_200-3"
spectro_directory = "Test_200-3_spectrogram.set"
HighlightValue = "110"
HighlightOthers = True
End Select
If HighlightOthers Then
With Worksheets(sysnum).Columns(Formula)
.Cells(scopefile) = filename
.Cells(scopefile).Interior.Color = vbYellow
.Cells(spectrogramdir) = spectro_directory
.Cells(spectrogramdir).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End With
End If
If HighlightValue <> "" Then HighlightIf ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B500"), HighlightCondition, 5, HighlightValue
End If
End Sub