Home > database >  Exporting all clients does not work, the file is saved with no name and no extension
Exporting all clients does not work, the file is saved with no name and no extension


I am trying to export the data in my database; in particular all the customers present but also a single chosen customer.

I tried to set the code only that when I click the button to export all clients a file with no name and no extension is saved.

ClientsExport Class

class ClientsExport implements FromCollection
    private $client = null;

    public function __construct($client = null)
        $this->client = $client;

    public function collection(Client $client=NULL)
        if ($this->client) {
            return collect([$this->client]);

        return Client::all();


Taking a few tries I found that if I remove the if in the code below, then leaving it alone

return Excel::download(new ClientsExport, 'clients.xlsx');

it works properly, So it seems that the problem is giving it the if


public function export(Client $client) 
            return Excel::download(new ClientsExport($client), $client->surname . ' ' .  $client->name . '.xlsx');
        } else {
            return Excel::download(new ClientsExport, 'clients.xlsx');   


Route::get('client-export/{client?}', [ClientController::class,'export'])->name('client.export');

View Blade

Button where I want to export all clients

<a  href="{{ route('client.export') }}">Export all clients</a>

Button where I want to export the individual client

<a  href="{{ route('client.export' , compact('client')) }}">Export</a> 

CodePudding user response:

The issue is that when using route model binding, defining your controller method as: public function export(Client $client) will supply you with a new "empty" instance of \App\Models\Client when the client id in your route definition is "empty". Hence, the check below in your controller method will always be truthy.

ClientController::export(\App\Models\Client $client)

            // ...
        } else {
            // ...  

To fix that, you will have to explicitly set the Controller method's parameter to NULL. This will instruct Laravel's route model binding system to supply you with a NULL $client variable instead of an "empty" instance of the Client model (new \App\Models\Client) when the client id in your route definition is "empty". ie:

ClientController class

// ...
    public function export(\App\Models\Client $client = null)

// ...


ClientsExport Class

class ClientsExport implements FromCollection
    public function __construct(private ?\App\Models\Client $client = null)

    public function collection()
        return is_null($this->client)
            ? Client::all()
            : collect([


ClientController class

// ...
    public function export(\App\Models\Client $client = null)
        return Excel::download(new ClientsExport($client),
                ? 'clients.xlsx'
                : $client->surname . ' ' . $client->name . '.xlsx'
// ...
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