CodePudding user response:
This suggestion is people really owe to play, words haven't say that finish,Count (1) over (partition by content range between the current row and 1/86400 * 60 * 30 following) "Cnt" (blind write does not guarantee to)
CodePudding user response:
Look not to understand don't understand the questionCodePudding user response:
With t1 as(select to_date (' 2020-01-01 11 ', 'yyyy - - dd hh: mm mi) time,' Linux 'content
The from dual
Union all
"Select to_date (' 2020-01-01 ', 'yyyy - - dd hh: mm mi'), 'Oracle'
The from dual
Union all
The loathsome select to_date (' 2020-01-01 ', 'yyyy - - dd hh: mm mi),' Linux '
The from dual)
Select the time, the content, the count (content) over (partition by content order by time range between 0 preceding and following 24/30/60) from t1;