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The PeopleSoft HCM interview questions


1. How to configure the app server and a web server load balancing? Please elaborate,
The App Server:
When configuration App Server load balancing, through webserv directory configuration. The configuration properties file your host name and jolt port, by a comma, as follows:
Appserver2 psserver=apperver1:9000:9010, appserver3:9020
For the network server load balancing, we need to create multiple instances of the web server and set up a separate load balancing software to share load between a web server, for example: nginx
2. Explain the PeopleSoft AD tools landing process, said under which users and table will be used,

The PeopleSoft landing process can be through the application designer to explain:
In the login window land types, user can select
If we choose the database for the oracle database, and then you can directly connect to the database,

A). The user to enter password AD landing page (PS/PS) AD first connect to the database using connectID (set in the Configuration Manager), connectID is generally people.
B). Once the connection is successful, people by the user select statement to query the peopletools security watch (PSDBOWNER/PSSTATUS/PSACCESSPRFL/PSOPRDEFN) to verify whether have permissions,

C) in the user PSDBOWNER table, generally is SYSADM, then check that the version development tools,
D) check SYMBOLICID (SYSADM1) corresponding values, compared with the UserID PSOPRDEFN,

F) disconnect the connection to the database (people), connected using AccessID as SYSADM/PWD AD tools is open now, wait for the user's operation,
3. How to solve the web server OutofMemory error?
Possible reasons: the Java heap size
Web server OutofMemory error might be solved by increasing the Java heap size,
When in use of Oracle Weblogic web Server, you can be in the setenv. CMD file by adding the JVM heap size:
In the setenv. CMD file, the file path is: & lt; PIA_HOME & gt; \ webserv \ peoplesoft \ bin JAVA_OPTIONS parameters to locate
To change or add - XmxZZm, here is a example:

The SET JAVA_OPTIONS=- hotspot - ms1m - mx128m
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