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A strange phenomenon, close the Window, hidden at the next lower level Window will automatically shu


Question background:
Running exe after packaging, in the application using the following two sentences to open two Windows

Opensheet (w_100, w_init, 0, the original!//open the MDI window w_100
W_100. Triggerevent (" ue_open ")//open the window in the ue_open w_200

Window w_200 close button is the logic of the parent. Hide (), the w_200 hide, and then click the close button to close w_100 w_100, w_100 successfully closed but in w_init interface become no response, in another machine on the phenomenon is A wait for 6 seconds after all closed, on another machine B is directly closed without waiting time,

Doubt is w_200 not shut down lead to problems, hence the close (w_100) with a closed before w_200 logic, the if isvalid (w_200) then close (w_200), run on three machines are shut down immediately,

My question:
1. W_200 w_100 events open, so I think should be w_200 w_100 child window, w_200 hidden closed after w_100 won't joint child window closed hide?
2. Can't normally closed because w_200 caused not closing?

CodePudding user response:

About the way to open the window, if it is independent will not shut down
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