Public void the add (String h00101, String h00102, int h00103, String h00104, int h00105, int h00106, DataSource ds) throws SQLException {
//TODO Auto - generated method stub
The Connection conn=null;
Try {
Conn=ds. GetConnection ();
System. Out. Println (h00101 + h00102 + h00103 + h00104 + h00105 + h00106);
System. The out. Println (" ok ");
PreparedStatement ps=conn. PrepareStatement (" insert into h001 values (?,?,?,?,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?) ");
Ps. SetString (1, h00101);
Ps. SetString (2, h00102);
Ps. SetInt (3, h00103);
Ps. SetString (4, h00104);
Ps. SetInt (5, h00105);
Ps. SetInt (6, h00106);
Ps. ExecuteUpdate (); MIT ();
System. Out. Println (h00101 + h00102 + h00103 + h00104 + h00105 + h00106); MIT ();
} the finally
If (conn!=null)
CodePudding user response:
What is the specific error and post, see oracle was wrong, or Java errors,CodePudding user response:
Java. Lang. NullPointerException.CodePudding user response:
You this is a Java error, debugging under which step in the wrongCodePudding user response:
By building, I also perform to executeBatch is stuck, the building Lord problem solved, please, help me seePublic static void updateCategory_ID () {
Try {
int j=0;
Con=DBConn. GetConnection ();
String SQL="select * from O8100_SPXX_201907_4 where category_id like '%//%'";
String sql1="update O8100_SPXX_201907_4 set category_id=? Where goods_id=?" ;
Ps=con. PrepareStatement (SQL);
Con. SetAutoCommit (false);
Ps=con. PrepareStatement (sql1);
While (rs), next ()) {
String category_id=rs. Get String (" category_id ");
String [] array=category_id. Split (" ");
String category_id1="";
for (int i=0; i
While (the matcher. The find ()) {
Category_id1=the matcher. Group (2) + "" + category_id1;
Ps. SetString (1, category_id1);
Ps. SetString (2, rs. Get string (" goods_id "));
Ps. The addBatch ();
System. The out. Println (category_id1);
If (j %==0 1000)
Con. SetAutoCommit (false);
Ps. ExecuteBatch (); MIT ();
Ps. ClearBatch ();
Ps. ExecuteBatch (); MIT ();//after the execution, manual commit the transaction
Con. SetAutoCommit (true);
} the catch (Exception e) {
//TODO Auto - generated the catch block,
} the finally {
Try {
If (con!=null) {
Con. The close ();
if (rs !=null) {
If (ps!=null) {
} the catch (SQLException e) {
//TODO Auto - generated the catch block,