Using the kettle table input, output the data table from library used to import to the oracle database, the execution of encountered the following error:
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table output. 0-2750000
linenr2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - ERROR (version, build 1 from the 2017-05-16 17.18.02 by buildguy) : Unexpected ERROR
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - ERROR (version, build 1 from the 2017-05-16 17.18.02 by buildguy) : org. Pentaho. Di. Core. Exception. KettleDatabaseException:
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 and Couldn 't get the row from the result set
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - I/O Error: Connection reset
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at org. Pentaho. Di. Core. The database. The database. The getRow (2546). The database Java:
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at org. Pentaho. Di. Core. The database. The database. The getRow (2516). The database Java:
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at org. Pentaho. Di. Trans. Steps. Tableinput. Tableinput. The processRow (tableinput. Java: 114)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at org. Pentaho. Di. Trans. Step. RunThread. Run (62) RunThread. Java:
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at Java. Lang. Thread. The run (748) Thread. Java:
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - under Caused by: Java, SQL. SQLException: I/O Error: Connection reset
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. TdsCore. NextToken (TdsCore. Java: 2481)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. TdsCore. GetNextRow (TdsCore. Java: 805)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. JtdsResultSet. Next (JtdsResultSet. Java: 611)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at org. Pentaho. Di. Core. The database. The database. The getRow (2534). The database Java:
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 -... 4 more
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - under Caused by: Connection reset
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at (SocketInputStream. Java: 210)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at (SocketInputStream. Java: 141)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at Java. IO. A DataInputStream. ReadFully (195). A DataInputStream Java:
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. SharedSocket. ReadPacket (SharedSocket. Java: 885)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. SharedSocket. GetNetPacket (SharedSocket. Java: 731)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. ResponseStream. GetPacket (ResponseStream. Java: 477)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. ResponseStream. Read (146) ResponseStream. Java:
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. ResponseStream. ReadString (ResponseStream. Java: 301)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. ResponseStream. ReadNonUnicodeString (ResponseStream. Java: 285)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. TdsData. ReadData (TdsData. Java: 961)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. TdsCore. TdsRowToken (TdsCore. Java: 3175)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - at net. The sourceforge.. JTDS JDBC. TdsCore. NextToken (TdsCore. Java: 2433)
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 -... 7 more
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - Finished reading query, closing the connection.
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - ERROR (version, build 1 from the 2017-05-16 17.18.02 by buildguy) : Unexpected ERROR closing query: org. Pentaho. Di. Core. Exception. KettleDatabaseException:
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 and Couldn 't close the query: the resultset or prepared statements
2020/08/20 16:33:46 - table input. 0 - Invalid state, the Connection object is closed.
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