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Get minimum water level of dam without loop


I was given a problem. In the problem I am suppose to take input current month, current year and current water level of a dam from user. There is a scale that from month march to august the water level increase by 150 feet each month and from sep to feb it decreases by 200 feet. Now I am supposed to tell in which month and year the Dam will have no water or 0 feet water level. I have made the below program using loops but I have to it with out loops/recursive function. I got the year by dividing the water level with avg_decrease in water level.You cans see the program that does what I want with loop.

using namespace std;
int main(){
    int c_month, c_year, wlevel, avg_decrease;
    cout<<"Enter current month number: ";
    cout<<"Enter current water level: ";
    cout<<"Enter current year: ";
    avg_decrease = 300; //-25 each month, -300 each year

    int m = c_month, level = wlevel, y = c_year;
        for(int i =0;i<=12;i  ){
            if(level < 0){
                x = true;
            else if(m >= 3 && m<=8){
                level = level  150;
                m  ;
                level = level -200;
                if(m == 12)
                    m  ;
        y  ;

I want to get the month and year in which the water level is 0 feet which is being printed in the last line without using the loops. I dont know how to implement the above program without using loops. If any one can help, it would be great. Thanks in advance

CodePudding user response:

test this and change code if my logic is wrong

using namespace std;

int main(){
    int m, y, lev;
    cout << "Enter current month number: ";
    cin >> m;
     cout << "Enter current year: ";
    cin >> y;
    cout << "Enter current water level: ";
    cin >> lev;
    int avg_year    = 300;                  // average year decrease 
    int year_count  = lev/avg_year;         // how many entire years we will be decreasing for sure  
    lev = lev % avg_year;                   // how much level we still have after entire years have pass
    if ((lev > 0) &&  (m <= 8) && (m >=2))        // march - aug we are adding  150 each month 
        int delta = (6 - m   2);            // how much times we should add  150
        lev = lev   150*delta;
        m = m   delta;
    if((lev > 0) && (m  == 8))             // end of aug (sep = -200)
        m  ;
        lev = lev - 200;
    if((lev > 0) && (m  == 9))             // end of sep (oct = -200)
        m  ;
        lev = lev - 200;
    if((lev > 0) && (m  == 10))             // end of oct (nov = -200)
        m  ;
        lev = lev - 200;
    if((lev > 0) && (m  == 11))             // end of nov (dec = -200)
        m  ;
        lev = lev - 200;
    if((lev > 0) && (m == 12))             // end of dec (jan = -200)
        m = 1;
        year_count  ;
        lev = lev - 200;
        in case at the beginning of the program m== 1 AND Level == (801 - 899)
        2 years past and we are at m == 1 with level == (201 - 299)
        februarry gives -200. So at the end of m==2, level == (1 - 99)
        when we do march-december we gain  100 level
        so in the beginning of the next year jan level will be 101-199
        and since jan takes -200 from level. It is definitely next years jan
        so we are just increasing year count
    if((lev > 0) && (m  == 1))             // enf of jan (feb = -200)
       lev = lev - 200;
       if(lev <= 0)
            m  ;
            year_count  ;

   cout << (y   year_count)  << "\t" << m << endl;

UPD this is bellow I think the right solution as I would do it with all the loops. I doubt it can be achieved just by plain code with no loops or recursion

using namespace std;

int level_func(int m, int y, int lev)
    int ar[] = { -200, -200, 150, 150, 150, 150, 150, 150, -200, -200, -200, -200 };    

    int m_count = 0;
    while (lev > 0)
        m  ;
        m_count  ;
        if (m > 12)
            m = 1;
        lev = lev   ar[m - 1];
    return m_count;

int main() {
    int m, y, lev;
    cout << "Enter current month number: ";
    cin >> m;
    cout << "Enter current year: ";
    cin >> y;
    cout << "Enter current water level: ";
    cin >> lev;

    int month_count = level_func(m, y, lev);
    y = y   month_count / 12;
    m = m   month_count % 12;

    if (m > 12)
        y  ;
        m = m - 12;

    cout << y << "\t" << m << endl;

CodePudding user response:

I worked on the solution myself and found a very efficient way to do it. I calculated total months required and got the total years from the month.The code is below

using namespace std;
int main(){
    int exact_months,year = 0;
    int c_month, c_year, wlevel, avg_decrease;
    cout<<"Enter current month number: ";
    cout<<"Enter current water level: ";
    cout<<"Enter current year: ";
    int mn; 
    exact_months = wlevel/25;
    mn = (c_month exact_months);
    if ((c_month exact_months) !=0 && c_month != 1)
        year = 1;
    year = exact_months/12 year;
    cout<<"Date: "<<year c_year<<":"<<mn;

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