I have two dataframes called dbDateSubMSortNacional
and dbDateSubMSortNacional
, which contain a series of dates and values of covid infections for males and females in a certain region for the corresponding dates. I have plotted them individually as
contagiosH=barplot(dbDateSubHSortNacional$total[1:5], names.arg = dbDateSubHSortNacional$fecha[1:5], cex.names=0.759, , cex.axis=1, main = "Masculino", xlab="Fechas yy-mm-dd" , ylab="Número de contagios", col = rainbow(5), border = "white", ylim=c(0, 5000))
text(contagiosH, dbDateSubHSortNacional$total[1:5], dbDateSubHSortNacional$total[1:5])
contagiosM=barplot(dbDateSubMSortNacional$total[1:5], names.arg = dbDateSubMSortNacional$fecha[1:5], cex.names=0.759, , cex.axis=1, main = "Femenino", xlab="Fechas yy-mm-dd" , ylab="Número de contagios", col = rainbow(5), border = "white", ylim=c(0, 5000))
text(contagiosM, dbDateSubMSortNacional$total[1:5], dbDateSubMSortNacional$total[1:5])
I was wondering if it were possible to plot them as the graph in the attached figure.
I have managed to do it independently for a single dataframe called datos
barplot(datos, beside=F, col=rainbow(5), legend.text = row.names(datos),
args.legend=list(title ="RRSS preferidas", x="top", inset=c(0, -0.45)))
I have tried to merge both approaches as
barplot(dbDateSubMSortNacional$total[1:5], dbDateSubHSortNacional$total[1:5], names.arg = dbDateSubMSortNacional$fecha[1:5], cex.names=0.759, , cex.axis=1, col = rainbow(5), border = "white", ylim=c(0, 4000))
Unfortunately, I get a single graph. Can someone please tell me how to achieve my goal?
EDIT: To generate a reproducible output, use
fecha <- c("2022-01-01","2022-01-02","2022-01-03", "2022-01-04", "2022-01-05", "2022-01-06", "2022-01-07")
total <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13)
dbDateSubMSortNacional <- data.frame(fecha, total);
total <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)
dbDateSubHSortNacional <- data.frame(fecha, total);
Problem with the suggested solution by @jdobres:
Returns the error Error in cbind(total.2022 - 1 - 10, total.2022 - 1 - 11, total.2022 - : object 'total.2022' not found
barplot(cbind(total.2022-01-10, total.2022-01-11, total.2022-01-04, total.2022-01-05, total.2022-01-12) ~ set, data = combined_wide, col = rainbow(5))
CodePudding user response:
A dplyr
and ggplot
solution, followed by a base R barplot option:
library(dplyr, warn = FALSE)
df1 <- bind_rows(dbDateSubHSortNacional, dbDateSubMSortNacional)
geom_col(aes(x = set, y = total, fill = fecha))
#get data into wide format:
df2 <-
df1 |>
pivot_wider(names_from = fecha, values_from = total)
barplot(cbind(`2022-01-10`, `2022-01-11`, `2022-01-04`,`2022-01-05`, `2022-01-12`, `2022-01-17`, `2021-12-19`)~set,
data = df2 ,
xlim = c(0,1),
width = 0.30,
col = rainbow(7),
xlab = "Sex",
ylab = "Frequency",
legend.text = colnames(df2)[-1],
args.legend = list(x = "topright"))
You could also use ggplot2 to create a similar plot, without having to widen the data set:
ggplot(data = subset(combined, !(fecha %in% c('Saturday', 'Sunday'))), aes(x = set, y = total, fill = fecha))