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The use of the multimeter, oscilloscope


Oscilloscope based operation method:
Correct grounding
When setting measuring or processing circuit, correctly earthing is an important step, oscilloscope correct earthing can protect the user from electric shock, the user can correct grounding to prevent the damage of circuit,
Oscilloscope grounding means the oscilloscope connected to the electrical neutral point of reference, such as grounding, check the oscilloscope three power supply cord to connect the grounding device of the socket, realize oscilloscope grounded,
Oscilloscope grounded to the personal safety is required, if the high voltage contact without oscilloscope chassis grounding, which part of either case, including, depending on the knob has insulation, send electric shock, and in the oscilloscope is properly grounded, current will carry through the grounding path to grounding device, rather than through the user's body to grounding device, grounding on the use of oscilloscope accurate measurement is also required, oscilloscope need to test any circuit share the same ground,
Some oscilloscope does not require separate grounding device, the oscilloscope have to insulation of chassis control function, can let users away from anything that might shock hazard,
Set the control function
After pressed the oscilloscope, look at the front panel, front panel generally divided into three main regions, respectively marked area, vertical horizontal area and trigger zone, oscilloscope, there may be other area specific depending on the type and type,
Pay attention to the input connector on the oscilloscope, connect the probe here, most of the oscilloscope only has two input channels, each channel can be displayed on the screen of a waveform, multiple channels for waveform comparison, the oledata.mso how digital input,
Connect the probe
Now you're ready to place the probe is connected to the oscilloscope, if the oscilloscope match well, will be able to deliver the oscilloscope probe all the processing capacity and performance, to ensure the measuring signal integrity,
To measure a signal requires two connections: probe tip connection and grounding connection, probe with a clamp connection device, usually used to probe the grounding to the circuit under test, in practice, can put the grounding clip is connected to the circuit of the known, such as metal chassis maintenance products, make the probe tip contact test points in the circuit,
Compensation probe
No attenuation voltage sensor to compensate the oscilloscope must, before using for the probe, must compensate probe, in order to make the electrical characteristics in specific oscilloscope is balanced,
Should get into the habit of every set the oscilloscope probe compensation, probe regulation will reduce the accuracy of measurement, most of the oscilloscope on the front panel of a terminal to provide a reference signal, square wave used to compensate for the probe, probe compensation process usually is as follows:
1, place the probe is connected to a vertical channel
2, place the probe tip is connected to the probe compensation signal, namely the square wave on the reference signal
3, place the probe on grounding clip is connected to the
4, observe the square wave reference signal
5, properly adjust the probe, the Angle of the square wave is the

Multimeter use method is as follows:

Resistance Ω, red pens and inserted in the v/Ω socket, black pens and inserted in the COM port, measuring circuit or device at both ends, (cannot be charged, or burn the multimeter,)

3. The dc voltage, and resistance measuring way,

4. The ac voltage, with resistance measurement way,

5. Alternating current transmission, red pens and inserted in MA or 10 a socket, black pens and inserted in the COM port, the multimeter series circuit measurement,

6. Direct current transmission, red pens and inserted in MA or 10 a socket, black pens and inserted in the COM port, the series with a multimeter circuit measurement,