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Pb using HTTP to send a soap request, breakpoint mode is not an error, continuous operation error


OLEObject ole_gylpt_webservice
Long ll_state, ll_len
String rs_return
//string ls_param
String as_url, as_content
String ls_soapxml_start, ls_soapxml_end
String ls_input

Ls_soapxml_start='& lt; Soapenv: Envelope XMLNS: soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" '+ & amp;
'the XMLNS: web="http://webservice.mis.elite.com/" & gt; '+ & amp;
'& lt; Web: doServiceByJson> '
Ls_soapxml_end='& lt;/jsonStr>

As_content="{" data" : {' appName ':' com. Elite. Mis', 'appProject' : 'WMS', 'appVersion' : 'hmis_gg_01', "+ & amp;
"' userIdentity ':' 9999 ', 'serviceName:' mybitisUserService ', 'methodName' : 'getLoginUser'," + & amp;
"' the parameters' : {' userCode ':' 3294 ', 'password' : '123456'}}}"
As_content="{" data" : {' appName ':' com. Elite. Mis', 'appProject' : 'WMS', 'appVersion' : 'hmis_gg_01', 'userIdentity' : '9999', 'serviceName:' hisService ', 'methodName' : 'addManufacturer', 'the parameters' : {' oper' : ', 'produrceid' : ', 'name' : ', 'ZJM' : ', 'status' :'}}} "
As_url=' WSDL: '

Ls_input=ls_soapxml_start + as_content + ls_soapxml_end
Ole_gylpt_webservice=create OLEObject

Ll_state=ole_gylpt_webservice. Connecttonewobject (" Msxml2. XMLHTTP. 6.0 ")

If ll_state & lt;> 0 then
Ll_state=ole_gylpt_webservice. ConnectToNewObject (" Msxml2. XMLHTTP. 3.0 ")
If ll_state & lt;> 0 then
Rs_return="connection MSSOAP SoapClient failure! Return parameter: "+ string (ll_state)
Goto _error
End the if
End the if

Ll_len=Len (ls_input)

Ole_gylpt_webservice. Open (" POST ", as_url, True)
Ole_gylpt_webservice. SetRequestHeader (" the content-type ", "text/XML. Charset=utf-8 ")
Ole_gylpt_webservice. SetRequestHeader (" the Content - Length ", String (ll_len))
Ole_gylpt_webservice. SetRequestHeader (" Authorization ", "auth=")

Ole_gylpt_webservice. Send (ls_input)

The Do While ole_gylpt_webservice. ReadyState & lt;> 4//query state, delay
The Yield ()

Rs_return=ole_gylpt_webservice. The responseText

Ole_gylpt_webservice. Disconnectobject ()
Destroy ole_gylpt_webservice
Return 0

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Rs_return=ole_gylpt_webservice responseText this sentence to obtain the return value, set breakpoints stepping mode can be normal access to the return value, continuous operation system is an error, but really what's the problem?

CodePudding user response:

Ole_gylpt_webservice. Open (" POST ", as_url, false)
Try to sync?

CodePudding user response:

You have to stick what you quoted wrong again,

CodePudding user response:

Many WS type interface, PB WS object is invoked, the transmission of XML format is likely to be different, it is recommended to use HTTP request write XML string request parameters to

CodePudding user response:

reference 3 floor xiao Ming Yin force response:
many WS type interface, PB WS object is invoked, the transmission of XML format is likely to be different, it is recommended to use HTTP request write XML string to request parameter

No, but because the pb use easysoap, however some ws not easysoap standard, but can use the API to deal with

CodePudding user response:

Rs_return=space (2000)
Rs_return=ole_gylpt_webservice. The responseText
So try

CodePudding user response:

Quote: refer to the original poster jsd1303 response:

The building Lord the PB is what version, paging window, and line number,

CodePudding user response:

refer to 6th floor aolixiaox response:
Quote: refer to the original poster jsd1303 response:

The PB is what version, paging window, and the bank number,

PB IDE in tertiary

CodePudding user response:

refer to 7th floor big Yin xiao Ming forced response:
Quote: refer to the sixth floor aolixiaox response:

Quote: refer to the original poster jsd1303 response:

The PB is what version, paging window, and the bank number,

In tertiary PB IDE

Thank you, have a paging, small screen or convenient
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