I am trying to use bounded types with generics to create generic objects of subclasses (these implement an interface). But I am getting type mismatch errors when initializing objects with the subclasses.
Here is the interface:
public interface ScannableEntity {
Here's the class that implements this interface:
public final class Attachment implements ScannableEntity {
Now I created 2 classes (SegmentPageScanResult and ItemProcessor) with the bounded generic type as:
public class SegmentPageScanResult<TEntity extends ScannableEntity> {
public class ItemProcessor<TEntity extends ScannableEntity> {
void submitAndExecute(SegmentPageScanResult<TEntity> pageScanResult) {
. . .
When I am trying to initialize the SegmentPageScanResult and try calling submitAndExecute
method of ItemProcessor from a Unit test as follows:
public class ScanTest {
private ItemProcessor<Attachment> itemProcessor;
public void testDoScan() {
Attachment mockRecord = new Attachment();
SegmentPageScanResult<Attachment> segmentPageScanResult = SegmentPageScanResult.builder()
I get the error -
Required type: SegmentPageScanResult<Attachment>
Can someone please help me understand why I am not able to initialize the generic object with the class implementing the interface?
CodePudding user response:
basically the answer is simple: here you specified that a class of type ScannableEntity will come. but you used SegmentPageScanResult, You used the ScannableEntity interface itself, I think that if you use the Attachment class that implements the interface class, not the interface class, the problem will be fixed, for example: You can use it as SegmentPageScanResult.
CodePudding user response:
I think you might have done:
ItemProcessor<Attachment> itemProcessor = new ItemProcessor<>();
And you also have:
SegmentPageScanResult<ScannableEntity> segmentPageScanResult = ...
So when you call:
itemProcessor.submitAndExecute(segmentPageScanResult, TEST_SEGMENT_ID, TEST_SCAN_ID);
There is a mismatch between the type of the itemProcessor (Attachment) and SegmentPageScanResult (ScannableEntity). So you probably need to create the ItemProcessor and the SegmentPageScanResult with the same type parameter.
EDIT: It's not completely clear what you are trying to achieve but maybe this can help:
public class ItemProcessor<T extends ScannableEntity> {
private List<T> items;
void submitAndExecute(SegmentPageScanResult pageScanResult) {
public class SegmentPageScanResult {
private final List<ScannableEntity> items = new ArrayList<>();
public void setScannedItems(List<? extends ScannableEntity> items) {
So the SegmentPageScanResult no longer has a type parameter because it only handles ScannableEntity instances. To allow setting different types from each ItemProcessor, the method parameter allows subtypes with List<? extends ScannableEntity>