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C 17 - constexpr byte iteration for trivial types


Given my prototype for a simple hashing method:

template <typename _iterator>
constexpr uint32_t hash_impl(_iterator buf, size_t len);

Generating constexpr hashes for simple strings is pretty trivial:

template <char const* str>
constexpr uint32_t generate()
    constexpr std::string_view strView = str;
    return hash_impl(str, strView.size());
constexpr uint32_t generate(const std::string_view& str)
    return hash_impl(str.begin(), str.size());

constexpr static char str1[] = "Hello World!";
constexpr crc32::hash hash1 = crc32::generate<str1>();

constexpr std::string_view str2("Hello World!");
constexpr crc32::hash hash2 = crc32::generate(str2);

I'd also like to generate constexpr hashes for a variety of simple (POD and trivial structs) types too. However, I'm not sure how to get the byte representation of these types in a constexpr-friendly way.

My naive implementation:

template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t< std::is_standard_layout_v<T> && !std::is_pointer_v<T> >>
constexpr uint32_t generate(const T& value)
    return hash_impl(reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(&value), sizeof(T));

falls over because &value and reinterpret_cast<> breaks constexpr rules. I've searched for a workaround, but other answers on the site indicate that it's not possible.

Worst case scenario, I can manually check for and hash specific types as so:

template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t< std::is_standard_layout_v<T> && !std::is_pointer_v<T> >>
constexpr uint32_t generate(const T& value)
    if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, int32_t> || std::is_same_v<T, uint32_t>)
        char buf[] =
            static_cast<char>(value >>  0),
            static_cast<char>(value >>  8),
            static_cast<char>(value >> 16),
            static_cast<char>(value >> 24)
        return generate(buf, 4);
    else if constexpr (/* etc... */)
    // ...

but this falls over as soon as I try to implement this for something like a float (which has no bitwise operators) or for trivial custom types (eg, struct foo { int a; }; unless I write an extra code block for foo).

I feel like I must be overlooking something simple, but I can't find any stl utility or think of any fancy template trick that would suit. Perhaps there's something in C 20 or C 23 that I'm not aware of?

CodePudding user response:

It is not possible in C 17. In C 20 you can use std::bit_cast to get the object representation of a trivially copyable type:

auto object_representation = std::bit_cast<std::array<std::byte, sizeof(T)>>(value);

(Technically you can argue about whether or not it is guaranteed that std::array has no additional padding/members that would make this ill-formed, but in practice that is not a concern.)

You can then pass the array as a pointer/size pair to the hash implementation. You should probably also add


If the assertion fails you will have no guarantee that objects with same value will have the same object representation and same hash.

Btw. std::is_standard_layout_v is not the property you need here. The property that you need to verify is std::is_trivially_copyable_v. Being standard-layout is neither sufficient nor necessary to be able to inspect and use the object representation like this.

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