XML=CREATE oleobject
XML. ConnectToNewObject (" WinHttp WinHttpRequest. 5.1 ")
XML. Option (6)=false//tips on the left side of the assignment is illegal,,,,,,,,
Messagebox (' ', a string (XML option (6)))
XML. Open (" GET ", url, False)
XML. SetRequestHeader (" the user-agent ", "Mozilla/4.0")
XML. SetRequestHeader (" Connection ", "Keep Alive -")
XML. SetRequestHeader (" the content-type ", "application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded")
XML. SetTimeouts (60000, 60000, 60000, 3000)//'resolveTimeout connectTimeout, sendTimeout, receiveTimeout
XML. Send
XML. WaitForResponse//'waiting for the return to content in the XMLHTTP can also use the
Return a string (XML) Status) + string (XML. GetAllResponseHeaders) + string (XML. The ResponseText)
XML. Option (6)=false can't give this way option (6) the assignment?
CodePudding user response:
Try, XML option [6]=falseCodePudding user response: