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An Internet summary of project management software project


Through a year and a half ago do a big project project summary, although the time past so long, still feel this article summarizes a lot of content very have feelings, posted to share,

In my idea, a good project manager, whether you use a waterfall, iterative, or agile; Can arouse the creativity of team, and flexible control process, to create the biggest value, in my opinion, the team is more important than the process,

Project background:

The software project in the Internet, a core function of the original optimization and reconstruction, from start-up to project issued a total of a month, the original estimate of the development cycle for 3 months, total amount is 500 ren, project core members (PD, ued, dev, qa, PM) 11 people, I in the project as the following:

One, the project process improvement to try

Process should be aided we promote efficiency means of improving quality, there is no any necessary to comply with and abide by the processes of our project to complete very complicated in such a short time goal, is a key to the flexible use of existing process, through the proper process tailoring and parallel development to promote efficiency, the project specific practices are as follows:

1. Cutting project milestones control points, strengthen the project plan and preview function key role in the project, the restriction of weakening the review activities on the project progress and project resources consumption,

2. Project a number of activities in parallel, improve project efficiency, shorten the project cycle,

I. it after the project, requirement analysis, the front-end development, design, coding, test and analysis work synchronized; Not as before to wait until all requirements or demo stability can enter the design code, but when the overall demand is clear, when demand details is not perfect in development; Also according to the arrangement of the completion of the demo flexible development tasks, make the whole project team can quickly response to the demand, make the process more flexible, agile,

1) is actually a big activity is divided into several small pieces, each small piece after completion of an activity can be carried out under, rather than wait until the whole big activities completed can enter to the next activity,

2) the way to a certain extent, also caused the requirements changes, the problem such as revising, to a certain extent, increased the investment of resources, so need good control, before the start of the parallel, overall demand (such as demand, including the function point, etc.) must be clear, only some details requirements are to be clear; At the same time need the whole team awareness of overall demand have unified; Especially the developers,

Ii. During the testing phase, will also be a unit test, function test and codereview audit work in parallel,

1) codereview audit work is no longer a project into the restriction of test conditions, but can be carried out in parallel, but codereview work on the project quality control is very important, so in the project to have a detailed design plan before encoding know developers to code, need to have in the process of encoding the architect or technical guidance and tracking, head of the developers coding,

2) unit tests completed by testers and developers synergy, testers write TC, ready to test data, developers use the tester's TC and test data to write unit tests,

4. The testing phase, by the test, leading and controlling, head of the participation of the test, to ensure project quality, the quality of the products is made, rather than to measure; PD, PM, develop more need to responsible for the product quality,

5. The process is dead, the person is alive! Flexible use of process, not fettered by process

Second, the improvement of project team growth try

In my project management concept, a successful project, in addition to how fast to be able to save to complete the project goals, satisfy the customers and the interests of the company; Also should make each project members grow and progress, let everybody in their work is full of passion and spirit, to become the important practice of personnel training, in my own projects, I will stick to my idea, the following is in the project of some efforts in this regard and try,

1. The project was set up in the early establishment of individual project goal, each member of the project in the project to cultivate personal ability has a clear positioning, to everyone's incentives,

2. In the process of project reasonable allocate tasks to each person's ability to provide conditions, such as

I. xx unit test, in-depth study unit test knowledge

Ii. Xx learning automation test, write automation scripts that run automation, organize team activities at the same time,

Iii. Xx mainly familiar with release line offer business, to undertake the development of the main functions in detail page,

Iv. Xx offerscan mainly do the business, participate in the design work of offerscan this complex business

V. xx is mainly designed with He Ling technical scheme of the project, at the same time to release line integration code specification,

Vi. Xx is mainly exercise on project management resources allocation, task tracking, the ability to schedule control,

3. In the project team members were asked to write a project log, help you develop plans, summary, take the initiative to return good habits,

4. In the process of the project, the heavy role light post,

I. demand analysis and product design stage, by the PD, to dominate, development at the same time, the test also actively involved, puts forward positive Suggestions for product implementation scheme, and let all the members of the project is responsible for product awareness, can more to the value of the consideration on the business requirements, actively participate in product design,

Ii. The testing phase, let PD, development are involved in testing, at the same time by the test head to the main control; Cultivation of PD, the development of quality awareness, to let them understand testers work, better implementation of PD, development, testing work,

Iii. The cultivation of the Owner, the cultivation of the big picture; All the members of the project responsible for the entire project; Rather than PD only responsible for the needs and development only responsible for coding, testing is only responsible for the test, each member of the whole project, but not responsible for the content of the

Three, other experience

1. Effective communication: if it is cross-team project or a little bit big projects, also or it is an urgent project, the communication cost is a big project resource consumption; The project retreat is a very necessary, in the form of the retreat of efficient communication what are obvious help?

1) face to face communication; Once found the problem, can be directly face to face communication, communication at any time, without having to send tradelink, make a phone call, or ran, reduce the waste of a lot of time,

2) reduce unnecessary communication, rapid response emergency problem; No held meeting in the process of project, weeks; Judges are less less; But once found the important problem, the organization everyone held an emergency meeting immediately, discuss countermeasures, make plan,

3) there will be a problem here, that is closed, may be increased frequency of communication, this will affect the other people's work efficiency; So that in the process of the project should be to the attention of the project members to master the frequency and timing of communication, not because of frequent communication instead affects the working efficiency

Passionate team
Team is the key to a successful project, PM need to let the whole team to maintain the lasting passion and high morale; In this way can the whole team invincible, that in the project through which methods are needed to keep team passion?

1) project goals share share, first of all to make all project members agree with the goal of the project, both business goals, technical target and quality target, all people need to agree with project goals, but also to let everyone know that all project members responsible for the project goals, rather than the project manager or PD,

2) can keep passion to make all people, you also need to constantly adjust in the process of project everybody's mood, sometimes we make some entertainment programs, for example, often a little fruit, often buy something to eat, and in addition, the most important thing is that a project should have one or two more active people, able to drive the team atmosphere. It's better if can have one or two girls, men and women to work, not tired is reasonable collocation,

3) the project manager to create a very open atmosphere, let everybody have equally important voice, let everyone thinks he is the owner of the project,

team execution
Want to let everyone release maximum energy; PM in addition to grasp some key details, the rest of the task space can give full play to team members, let them enjoy the play to their talents,

The most let I touched of a word is project members said "we are a group of crazy, we are family!" The project team of the inside is the most important thing,

CodePudding user response:

Support sharing, project management is primarily time, quality and cost management

CodePudding user response:

Throughout the full text, is to illustrate the important, "team than process", indeed, have a good team, for any process (as long as it's not completely unworkable) can be very good to complete the goal, is like a Russian plane, as long as the engine is strong enough, is tied two boards can also fly,,

But, I want to say is, organize a team only crazy work enthusiasm is not so much a method of management as a management, art, and art, nature is not to copy, is like the building of this article, the process and results seem to see, but the real reason in the article,,

And I want to say is, by the quality of the software itself may be a programmer, but the software can produce due value, it is by no means the programmer this level can solve, base to nor the software architect can guarantee, that the real cornerstone of software value should be at this level business architects, not for business in-depth understanding and modeling, it is a good software architect also can only be one, the result can only be put all the existing business curing to the software, and more and more difficult to control in the later maintenance,

CodePudding user response:

Team than process "important and support

CodePudding user response:

To develop software of time how to calculate??

CodePudding user response:

You can use the meter measuring plan management software to tube you software development cycle, now in the market a lot of work went into this software, and such as PowrePlan, P6, project, etc.

CodePudding user response:

Support team is more important than the process

CodePudding user response:

More objective, is good,

CodePudding user response:

Work more than ten years, the management is more important than anything,

CodePudding user response:

Under the premise of risk control, the team to, team is more important than the process

CodePudding user response:

Write well, like liu are often speak, the most important thing is that people,

CodePudding user response:

If the team stronger, development of unit together is a big project, I see the project construction are small now, basically is the product application, tinkering online, ha ha
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