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Python - Creating Manager Hierarchy Columns with Employee Names and Manager Email columns


Am trying to create manager hierarchy columns using just Employee ID and Manager Email Address columns. The Name column has unique values while there are duplicates in the Mgr_Email column (ie each employee has one manager but a manager could have multiple reports in their organisation).

The data looks like this

Name         Mgr_Email          

Sally Po     [email protected]
Sean Sea     [email protected]   
Jacob Hin    [email protected] 
Tim Buick    [email protected]
Kris Olt     [email protected]
Cindy Myers  [email protected]

and the desired outcome is this. There could be many levels of manager hierarchy and not just 4 hierarchy columns shown in the example.

Name         Mgr_Email          Mgr_Lvl_01           Mgr_lvl_02      Mgr_lvl_03       Mgr_lvl_04

Sally Po     [email protected]  [email protected]  
Sean Sea     [email protected]    [email protected]  [email protected]
Jacob Hin    [email protected]   [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 
Tim Buick    [email protected]    [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected]
Kris Olt     [email protected] [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected]
Cindy Myers  [email protected]    [email protected]  [email protected]

I have tried this but it does not work

df['Level 0'] = df['Manager Email Address']

while df.notna().sum().ne(1).all():
    df[f'Mgr_Lvl {i}'] = df[f'Mgr_Lvl {i-1}'].map(df.set_index('Name')['Mgr_Email'])
    i =1

df = df.drop('Level 0',axis=1)
df['Mgr_Lvl_01'] = df.loc[:,f'Mgr_Level {i-1}'].ffill().bfill()

Appreciate any help I could get, thank you.

CodePudding user response:

You cannot solve this easily with enter image description here

A useful tool is networkx:

# make email address from Name
# (best would be to already have an identifier to map names)
df['Email'] = df['Name'].str.lower().str.replace(r'(\w ) (\w )', r'\1.\[email protected]', regex=True)

import networkx as nx

# create graph
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, source='Mgr_Email', target='Email',

# find roots (= top managers)
roots = [n for n,d in G.in_degree() if d==0]
# ['[email protected]']

# for each employee, find the hierarchy 
df2 = (pd.DataFrame([next((p for root in roots for p in nx.all_simple_paths(G, root, node)), [])[:-1]
                     for node in df['Email']], index=df.index)
         .rename(columns=lambda x: f'Mgr_Lvl_{x 1:02d}')

# join to original DataFrame
out = df.drop(columns='Email').join(df2)


          Name            Mgr_Email          Mgr_Lvl_01        Mgr_Lvl_02           Mgr_Lvl_03         Mgr_Lvl_04
0     Sally Po   [email protected]  [email protected]              None                 None               None
1     Sean Sea     [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]                 None               None
2    Jacob Hin    [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]     [email protected]  [email protected]
3    Tim Buick     [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]     [email protected]               None
4     Kris Olt  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]               None
5  Cindy Myers     [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]                 None               None
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