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How to hide dropdownbox data with specific list Angular


So I have a Dropdown Box which contains data 'Dog', 'Lion', and 'Cat' so once I select the Dog it will not show in the Dropdown List how to achieve that, is it possible?


<mat-form-field  floatLabel="always" appearance="outline">
  <mat-label>Choose Animal</mat-label>
  <mat-select formControlName="animal">
    <mat-option *ngFor="let items of animal" [value]="items.id">


ngOninit() {

getList() {
  this.animalSVC.getListOfAnimal().subscribe((response: AnimalDTO) => {
    this.animalObj = response;
    this.animalDS = this.animalObj.items

For example, I select the lion in the list once I selected it will not show in the selected box again

CodePudding user response:

You can create a variable like animalSelectedId: number = null in global first. Then, create a on changes function to store the animal you selected. When you for loop the animal array, only show the animal item which is not the same as animalSelectedId.

 <mat-form-field  floatLabel="always" appearance="outline">
   <mat-label>Choose Animal</mat-label>
      <mat-select formControlName="animal" (selectionChange)="onChange($event)">
         <mat-option *ngFor="let items of animal" [value]="items.id">
            <div *ngIf="items.id !== animalSelectedId">
animalSelectedId: number = null

public onChange(e: {value: number}): void {
  animalSelectedId = e.value;

CodePudding user response:

If is not select multiple, you can use

  <mat-option *ngFor="let food of foods"

And add the .css


But if is multiple, we should give to the user an oportunity to "unselect"

For this we create a variable that change, when open/close the mat-select and when an option is unselected


  <mat-select formControlName="foodMultiple" multiple 
    <mat-option #option *ngFor="let food of foods"
      (onSelectionChange)="!option.selected && unSelect(option.value)"
                && oldValue.indexOf(food.value)<0"

See that we use a template reference variable (the #option) that allow us know if is or not selected option.selected and pass to the function unSelect the value option.value

The construction (event)="condition && function()", makes that if the condition is not fullfilled, the function is not executed


So, if we unselect the next time we select it's remove.

NOTE: We can also not check if an option is deselected and don't change the oldValue variable, but them this not desapear if is checked again

NOTE2: I use the "classic" [hidden] that you use normally in a typical select tag. It's the same if we use a class in the way [class.nodisplay]=... and the .css mat-option.nodisplay

A stackblitz

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