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For Loop with multiple outputs


I have a data frame roughly like this:

structure(list(a = 1:9000, b = 1:9000, c = 1:9000, d = 1:9000, 
    e = 1:9000, f = 1:9000, g = 1:9000, h = 1:9000, i = 1:9000), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

Edit: These are the exact values this was just to show rough dimension, and there are far more columns as well, the values don't just run 1:9000

To sample randomly & add in a column of row averages I have been using the following:

sample_1 <- sample(1:9000, 200, replace=F)
sampled_df_1 <- df[c(sample_1),]
sampled_df_1$Means_1 <- rowMeans(sampled_df_1)

I need to do this 100 times over, and then create a data frame of the means. I think I need to use a for loop for this as in:

for(i in 1:100){
sample_[i] <- sample(1:9000, 200, replace=F)
sampled_df_[i] <- df[c(sample_[i]),]
sampled_df_[i]$Means_[i] <- rowMeans(sampled_df_[i])}

but the [i] doesn't append the vector number. I have also tried {i} and ' i' Is this possible to do? I think assign(paste()) may be the key here but I am struggling with it And when I am past it is there an easy way to create a data frame of just the means columns without typing out all their names?

CodePudding user response:

It’ll be simpler to use sapply() which will do both the iteration and also combine the results.


df <- data.frame(a = rnorm(6), b = rnorm(6), c = rnorm(6))
#>            a           b          c
#> 1  1.3709584  1.51152200 -1.3888607
#> 2 -0.5646982 -0.09465904 -0.2787888
#> 3  0.3631284  2.01842371 -0.1333213
#> 4  0.6328626 -0.06271410  0.6359504
#> 5  0.4042683  1.30486965 -0.2842529
#> 6 -0.1061245  2.28664539 -2.6564554



sapply(seq_len(N_REPEATS), function(i) {
  rowMeans(df[sample(nrow(df), N_ROWS_SAMPLED), ])
#>         [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]
#> 4  0.4020330 -0.3127153  0.4749617 -0.1586448
#> 6 -0.1586448  0.4749617 -0.3127153  0.4978732
#> 1  0.4978732 -0.1586448  0.7494103  0.4020330

If you want to keep the sampled subsets, split this into two parts:


samples <- lapply(seq_len(N_REPEATS), function(i) {
  df[sample(nrow(df), N_ROWS_SAMPLED), ]

sapply(samples, rowMeans)
#>         [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]
#> 4  0.4020330 -0.3127153  0.4749617 -0.1586448
#> 6 -0.1586448  0.4749617 -0.3127153  0.4978732
#> 1  0.4978732 -0.1586448  0.7494103  0.4020330

CodePudding user response:

With a for()loop it can be done like this:

df <- structure(list(a = 1:9000, b = 1:9000, c = 1:9000, d = 1:9000, 
               e = 1:9000, f = 1:9000, g = 1:9000, h = 1:9000, i = 1:9000), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
nsims <- 100
sample_df_rows <- 200
Row <- seq(1:sample_df_rows)

output <- data.frame(Row)
for(i in 1:nsims){
  sample <- sample(1:9000, sampled_df_rows, replace=F)
  sample_df <- df[c(sample),]
  sample_df$Means <- rowMeans(sample_df)
  colnames(sample_df) <- c(letters[1:9],paste0("Means_",i))
  output <- cbind(output,sample_df[10])

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