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How to call a function returning an address using a function pointer?


I'm trying to call a pointer function using a explicit dereference, but compiler throws an error: 'no operator "*" matches these operands'.

Here's simplified version of my code:

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

int add(int a, int b)
    return a   b;

std::function<int(int, int)> passFunction()
    return &add;

int main()
    int a{ 1 };
    int b{ 2 };

    std::cout << (*passFunction())(a, b);
    return 0;

The thing is, it works fine when I just write: std::cout << passFunction()(a, b); without asterix. Which blows my mind. I thought I messed up parentheses in function call. I tried different order and precedence, I called it with ampersand, and still compiler doesn't even flinch.

CodePudding user response:

I'm trying to call a pointer function using a explicit dereference. But compiler throws an error: 'no operator "*" matches these operands'.

Type matters!

The return type of the passFunction is not a pointer, rather std::function. It is not something of dereferencable. Hence, you get the compiler error.

The thing is, it works fine when I just write: std::cout << passFunction()(a, b); without asterix [...]

The std::function meant for invoking/ calling. That is why passFunction()(a, b) works. It calls the operator() of std::function (i.e. equivalent to passFunction().operator()(a, b)).

That been said, if you simply return the function by auto (since C 14 - let the compiler deduce the type), you will get the actual function pointer, which you can call either by dereferencing (unnecessary) or directly.

using fun_t = int(*)(int, int); // function pointer type

auto passFunction()
//^^^ use auto --> type ==  int(*)(int, int)
// or use fun_t
    return &add;

now you can (unnecessary)

(*passFunction())(a, b);


passFunction()(a, b);

Now obvious question, "how the both syntax is possible ?". Read here in detail in the following posts:

CodePudding user response:

but compiler throws an error: 'no operator "*" matches these operands'.

Your passFunction returns a std::function<int(int, int)> which as we can see from its documentation does not have any overloaded dereference operator. Thus we cannot write *passFunction(). The correct syntax would be as shown below:

//------------v----------------------->removed the * as std::function does not overload any such operator
std::cout << ( passFunction())(a, b)


//----------v------------------------>no need for dereferencing
std::cout << passFunction()(a, b);

CodePudding user response:

You shouldn't use the * operator on the std::function<int(int, int)> that passFunction() returns since it doesn't return a pointer that needs to be dereferenced.

This simple example will do:

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

int add(int a, int b) {
    return a   b;

std::function<int(int, int)> passFunction() {
    return add; // or return &add - same thing when it comes to free functions
                // as opposed to member functions

int main() {
    int a{1};
    int b{2};

    std::cout << passFunction()(a, b);

I think the confusion comes from the fact that you do &add to return a function pointer - but look at what's important: The return type:

std::function<int(int, int)>

This is what passFunction() returns. It's not a pointer. It returns it by value. The function pointer you return is merely used as an argument to the std::function<int(int, int)>'s constructor.

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