Home > database >  Online and other SOS! Pb 100 points for help with post upload the XML file,
Online and other SOS! Pb 100 points for help with post upload the XML file,


Pb with post upload the XML file, return to the request was rejected because no multipart boundary, how to solve?
Here is my code:
//messagebox debugging to see if success
Ls_FileName='c: \ L5 XML'
Ll_rc=HTTP. ConnectToNewObject (" Microsoft. XMLHTTP ")
IF ll_rc & lt; 0 THEN
MessageBox (" connection XMLHTTP error ", "error number:" + String (ll_rc))
DESTROY the dom
The return - 1
The else
Ll_rc=dom. ConnectToNewObject (" MSXML2. DOMDocument ")
If ll_rc & lt; 0 then
DOMDocument MessageBox (" connection error ", "error number:" + String (ll_rc))
DESTROY the dom
The return - 1
End the if
//upload begins
The dom. The Load (ls_FileName)

HTTP. Open (" POST ", as_URL, true)

Http. SetRequestHeader (" the content-type ", "multipart/form - the data")

HTTP. Send (dom) XML)
The do While HTTP. ReadyState & lt;> 4//query state, delay
The yield ()

As_ret=HTTP. The responseText

CodePudding user response:

refer to the original poster wang_jzh response:
pb with post upload an XML file, return to the request was rejected because no multipart boundary, how to solve?
Here is my code:
//messagebox debugging to see if success
Ls_FileName='c: \ L5 XML'
Ll_rc=HTTP. ConnectToNewObject (" Microsoft. XMLHTTP ")
IF ll_rc & lt; 0 THEN
MessageBox (" connection XMLHTTP error ", "error number:" + String (ll_rc))
DESTROY the dom
The return - 1
The else
Ll_rc=dom. ConnectToNewObject (" MSXML2. DOMDocument ")
If ll_rc & lt; 0 then
DOMDocument MessageBox (" connection error ", "error number:" + String (ll_rc))
DESTROY the dom
The return - 1
End the if
//upload begins
The dom. The Load (ls_FileName)

HTTP. Open (" POST ", as_URL, true)

Http. SetRequestHeader (" the content-type ", "multipart/form - the data")

HTTP. Send (dom) XML)
The do While HTTP. ReadyState & lt;> 4//query state, delay
The yield ()

As_ret=HTTP. The responseText

See tips, there is no boundary should be your upload information, if only upload the XML, use PB directly bring posturl is simpler

CodePudding user response:

The eldest brother have a contact number? Such as QQ, can directly ask you

CodePudding user response:

Qq: 19798975

CodePudding user response:

Application requirements can only use the post "the content-type", "multipart/form - data" upload this format

CodePudding user response:

To you for reference, for example, study the right

PB take the method of web content

String ls_get_url, ls_args
String ls_response_text, ls_status_text
Long ll_status_code
Long ps1, ps2, ps3, ps4
String srstr1, srstr2
N_cst_string lhv_string
OleObject loo_xmlhttp
String ls_nj ls_deptno, ls_deptname ls_spenme, ls_temp1, ls_temp2, ls_temp3
Long isel_total=0, row, row_spe, lii, lij, li_rs, li_rsdet

Ls_nj=trim (ddlb_1. Text)
If ls_nj="' then
Messageboxx (' prompt ', 'please select grade! 'the Information! , OK! The 1)
End the if
If dw_dept. Rowcount () & lt;=0 then return

Ls_get_url="http://" + trim (sle_1. Text) + "/newcsu/common/search/classresult1 aspx"

Dw_special. Reset ()

For row=1 to dw_dept. Rowcount ()
If dw_dept. Getitemnumber (row, 'isel)=1 then
Isel_total + +
Ls_deptno=trim (dw_dept getitemstring (row, 'departments code))
Ls_deptname=trim (dw_dept getitemstring (row, 'faculty name'))
//ls_args="grade suit=% 20 & amp; DeptId=03% 20 & amp; The deptName=resources processing and biological engineering college "
Ls_nj ls_args="grade=" + + ", "% 20 & amp; Ls_deptno deptId="+ +", "% 20 & amp; The deptName="+ ls_deptname

Loo_xmlhttp=CREATE oleobject
Loo_xmlhttp. ConnectToNewObject (" Msxml2. XMLHTTP. 4.0 ")
Loo_xmlhttp. Open (" GET ", ls_get_url + "?" + ls_args, false)
Loo_xmlhttp. The send ()
//Get our response
Ls_status_text=loo_xmlhttp. StatusText
Ll_status_code=loo_xmlhttp. Status
//Check the HTTP Response code for errors
If ll_status_code & gt; Then=300
Messageboxx (' prompt ', 'Web GET request failed! ~ r ~ n ~ r ~ n '+ ls_response_text, Information! , OK! The 1)
The else
//Get the response we received from the web server
Ls_response_text=loo_xmlhttp. The ResponseText
End the if

Srstr2='~ t & lt;/tr> ~ r ~ n ~ t ~ t & lt; Td align="Center" & gt; '
Ps1=pos (ls_response_text srstr2, 1)
If ps1=0 then the continue
Srstr1=mid (ls_response_text, ps1 + len (srstr2))
Srstr1=lhv_string. Of_globalreplace (srstr1 srstr2, ' ')
Srstr1=lhv_string. Of_globalreplace (srstr1, '& lt;/td> Srstr1=lhv_string. Of_globalreplace (srstr1, '& lt;/td> ', '~ t')
Srstr1=lhv_string. Of_globalreplace (srstr1, '& lt;/td> ', ' ')
Srstr1=lhv_string. Of_globalreplace (srstr1, '~ t & lt;/tr> ~ r ~ n & lt;/table> ~ r ~ n ~ t ~ t ~ t & lt;/form> ~ r ~ n ~ t & lt;/body> ~ r ~ n & lt;/HTML> ~ r ~ n ', ')