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How to get discord bot to create an admin role and assign it to me on command


I'm trying to make a discord bot that will create an admin role with administrator permissions with an admin command.

I've tried this code complied from other sources, but I can't get it to work. Any help is appreciated.

        let member = await server.fetch_member(message.author.id);

        await message.guild.createRole({name:"admin", color: "00FFFF", permissions: "ADMINISTRATOR",});
        await member.add_roles(role="admin", reason="role added");

        await message.channel.send('success');

CodePudding user response:

I'm not sure which sources you looked at. Check the Discord.JS Documentation.

I used RoleManager.create() to supply a name aswell as a Administrator permission via PermissionFlagBits. This will return a promise. I will await the promise and assign the role.

Lastly, I will use GuildMemberRoleManager.add() to add the new role.

I wrapped my code in a try/catch block to catch any Discord API errors.

import { PermissionFlagsBits } from "discord.js";
// or const { PermissionFlagsBits } = require("discord.js");
// depending on your environment

// ...

try {
   const newAdminRole = await message.guild.roles.create({
      name: "Admin",
      permissions: [PermissionFlagsBits.Administrator]

   await message.member.roles.add(newAdminRole);
} catch (err) {

CodePudding user response:

I did play it for a bit. No outcome but I will provide at least my progress you can continue from.

    name: 'admin',
    color: '#00FFFF',
    // Whatever permissions you want 
    permissions: ["ADMINISTRATOR"],
const guildMember = message.guild?.members.fetch(message.author.id)
// Throws Property 'addRole' does not exist on type 'GuildMemberManager' even tho documentation says otherwise
// Part of documentation says this is for adding roles, but I am 99% certain this is for adding user via. Oauth2

There is documentation for that method. https://discord.js.org/#/docs/discord.js/main/class/GuildMemberManager?scrollTo=addRole

If you find anything please answer your question so if someone encounters the same problem the solution will be here for them.

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