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SQL COUNT occurrence of column value on LEFT JOIN


I have seem similar questions on here but none of the answers seem to fit what I am looking for-

Say I have one table like so:

AssignedTo DeptID Type
Mary 5001 Elementary
Bob 5002 Middle
Bob 5003 Elementary
Jill 5004 High
Bob 5005 High
Bob 5006 High

and another like so:

User Telephone Address
Mary 111-222-3333 111 South Lane
Bob 222-111-3333 222 North Drive
Jill 333-222-1111 555 Highway

I want to output the second table with a left join on the first table with the total number of 'Type' (elementary, middle,high) by each assigned user, so it would like something like:

User Telephone Total Elementary Total Middle Total High
Mary 111-222-3333 1 0 0
Bob 222-111-3333 1 1 2
Jill 333-222-1111 0 0 1

I've tried --Count(case when <table>.[type] = 'Elementary' then 1 else 0 end) AS ElementaryCount, but this just gets me the entire table, not by the user on the left join.

Anyone have any ideas how I can go about this?

CodePudding user response:

This is basically a pivot which you can do using conditional aggregation via an outer apply.

Given tables a and u,

select [User], Telephone,
  IsNull(a.e, 0) Total_Elementary,
  IsNull(a.m, 0) Total_Middle,
  IsNull(a.h, 0) Total_High
from u
outer apply (
      Sum(case when type = 'Elementary' then 1 end) e,
      Sum(case when type = 'Middle' then 1 end) m,
      Sum(case when type = 'High' then 1 end) h
    from a
    where a.AssignedTo = u.[User]

CodePudding user response:

You should have posted your full attempted script. But even without it, I think you want something like this. I use a derived table to calculate the counts and then join that back to the user table.

    , t2.Telephone
    , ISNULL(t2.TotalElementary,0) as [Total Elementary]
    , ISNULL(t2.TotalMiddle,0) as [Total Middle]
    , ISNULL(t2.TotalHigh,0) as [Total High]
FROM Table2 as t2
        SELECT t1.AssignedTo
            , COUNT(CASE WHEN t1.[Type] = 'Elemetary' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as TotalElementary
            , COUNT(CASE WHEN t1.[Type] = 'Middle' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as TotalMiddle
            , COUNT(CASE WHEN t1.[Type] = 'High' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as TotalHigh
        FROM Table1 as t1
        GROUP BY t1.AssignedTo
    ) as CountsTable as ct
        ON ct.AssignedTo = t2.[User]
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