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Big data dispatching platform development process


Big data intelligent dispatching platform based on a line city telecom customer project, the intelligent dispatching platform stable operation for three years, and achieved good customer response, hence generate project transition way of thinking, and development team members communication, and to reconstruct the entire system, starting in September 2018, the transition work finished by the end of 2019 the entire system, for nearly a year and a half time, in April 2020 to telecom related city bureau technology promotion, army must try, all kinds of on-line test, before a month, the tests pass,

Big data intelligent dispatching platform is the visualization of the enterprise big data management platform, professional and efficient, safe and reliable, satisfy the business enterprise of data management, data quality management requirements, improve the ability of users to provide data services, based on the text analysis of intelligent real-time scheduling is the core competitiveness of products, make the task scheduling of user-defined configuration precondition, to realize intelligent platform, core functions including one-stop integrated development, task management, management, script script kinship analysis, intelligent dispatching, centralized operations, rights management, and other functions, platform based on Linux system, through the cross-platform framework. Net core implementation, the background process control by shell, platform support oralce, greenplum, mysql database, such as mainstream support hadoop architecture, support multi-node distributed deployment, lightweight, easy to use,
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