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find out the player with highest score in each year


I have a table like these

country gender player score year
Germany male Michael 14 1990
Austria male Simon 13 1990
Germany female Mila 16 1990
Austria female Simona 15 1990

This is a table in the database. It shows 70 countries around the world with player names and gender. It shows which player score how many goals in which year. The years goes from 1990 to 2015. So the table is large. Now I would like to know which female player and which male player score most in every year from 2010 to 2012.

I expect this:

gender player score year
male Michael 24 2010
male Simon 19 2011
male Milos 19 2012
female Mara 16 2010
female Simona 16 2011
female Dania 17 2012

I used that code but got an error

SELECT gender,year,player, max(score) as score from (football) where player = max(score) and year in ('2010','2011','2012') group by 1,2,3

football is the table name

CodePudding user response:

with main as (
sum(score) as total_score -- incase each player played multiple match in a year
from <table_name>
where year between 2010 and 2012
group by 1,2,3
ranking as (
select *,
row_number(total_score) over(partition by year, gender order by total_score desc) as rank_ 

from ranking where rank_ = 1
  • filter on years
  • first you add total score, to make sure you cover the cases if there are multiple matches played by the same player in same year
  • then you create a rank based on year, gender and the total score, so for a given year and for a given gender create a rank
  • then you filter on rank_ = 1 as it represents the highest score

CodePudding user response:

You can use the dense_rank function to achieve this, if you are using sqlite version 3.25 or higher.


select t.* from(
    select *, dense_rank() over(
      partition by year, gender
      order by score desc
   ) as rn
   from football
   where year in ('2010','2011','2012')
) as t
where t.rn = 1;
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