Home > database >  Under WINDOWS using the batch file to backup the MYSQL database instance, for your reference
Under WINDOWS using the batch file to backup the MYSQL database instance, for your reference


@ echo off
Rem replaced character set, corresponding there will be a Chinese character set is not garbled
CHCP 65001
Color 0 a

The title platform system data backup
Echo start backup, please wait...
Echo the backup completed before, please do not close this window...

Rem date
Set datestring=% date: date: ~ 0, 4 _ % % % _ % date: ~ 5, 2 ~ 8, 2 %

Rem if date format not yyyy dd/mm/week
If "% % datestring: ~ 0, 1" GTR "9" (
Set datestring=% date: date: ~ - 10, 4 _ % % % _ % ~ - 5, 2 date: ~ % 2, 2)

Rem time
Time: set timestring=% % _ % ~ 0, 2 time: ~ % _ % time: 3, 2 ~ 6, %
Echo timestring % %

Rem storage backup file path
The set backpath=e: \ MySQLbackup
If not exist back_path md back_path % % % %

Rem database name
Set the database=database name
Rem user name
Set the username=account name
Rem password
Set the password=password

Rem database backup mysqldump. Exe directory path (if address contains Spaces, need to be included in double quotation marks in English)
Set the mysql=d: \ mysql \ bin
Rem filename
Set file_string backpath=% % \ timestring _ datestring data_ % % % %
Echo file_string % %
Rem backup
Mysql rem % % \ mysqldump exe -u username % % -p password database % % % % & gt; SQL
% file_string %.Mysql % % \ mysqldump exe - username u % % - p % database % & gt; "% % file_string. The SQL"
Echo backup!
@ echo on
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