I am trying to use type converters in Android (Kotlin) so i am using the type converters class but i am getting confused like inside of the clouds i am having a single variable so i have returned it but
@Entity(tableName = "WeatherDb")
data class WeatherDTO(
val base: String,
val clouds: Clouds,
val cod: Int,
val coord: Coord,
val dt: Int,
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val id: Int,
val main: Main,
val name: String,
val sys: Sys,
val timezone: Int,
val visibility: Int,
val weather: List<Weather>,
val wind: Wind
class TypeConverters {
fun fromCloudsToDouble(clouds: Clouds): Int {
return clouds.all
fun fromCoordToDouble(coord: Coord): Double {
In coord class here are multiple with different datatypes how to covert this?
data class Main(
val feels_like: Double,
val grnd_level: Int,
val humidity: Int,
val pressure: Int,
val sea_level: Int,
val temp: Double,
val temp_max: Double,
val temp_min: Double
CodePudding user response:
Here is my converter in the Kotlin:
class Converters {
fun valueFromDomainToStorage(value: Value): String {
return value.convertToJson()
fun valueFromStorageToDomain(str: String): Value {
// we can not create an empty instance of value as TypeDecoder.java should call non-empty constructor
return Value(
"just a stub",
where .convertToJson()
and .fromJson(str)
implemented as extensions within Value
fun Value.convertToJson(): String {
val result = JSONObject()
result.put(ValueConst.OFFER_FIELD, offer)
result.put(ValueConst.AVAILABLE_SINCE, availableSince.toLong())
result.put(ValueConst.AVAILABLE_END, availabilityEnd.toLong())
result.put(ValueConst.IS_CONSUMED, isConsumed)
result.put(ValueConst.LOCKED_UNTIL, lockedUntil)
return result.toString()
fun Value.fromJson(json: String): Value {
val subj = JSONObject(json)
return Value(
You should implement Converter
class for each non-native class type. Do not forget to register your converters on database:
@Database(entities = [ChainTransaction::class], version = 1, exportSchema = false)
abstract class AppDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
When you have compile the code and later introduce new changes, you have to increase version
parameter too to make changes to take effect:
@Database(entities = [ChainTransaction::class], version = 2, exportSchema = false)
abstract class AppDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
Here is official documentation and even training on this topic:
- The fields converted to a JSON string have been highlighted.
- Obviously the data will very likely not exactly be as you would expect due to the made up classes.