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Flattening JSON objects using Python


I have a json object

sample_json ={
"workspaces": [
        "wsid": "1",
        "wsname": "firstworkspace",
        "wsid": "2",
        "wsname": "secondworkspace",

I want to flatten/normalize the json so that it looks like this :

enter image description here

I can flatten each level using the pandas function "json_normalize" e.g Level 1

import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.json_normalize(sample_json, record_path=['workspaces'])

enter image description here

e.g Level 2

import pandas as pd
df_api = pd.json_normalize(sample_json, record_path=['workspaces','report'])

enter image description here

I have read quiet a few articles such as this one but I am struggling to understand how to include information from the two levels (workspaces and reports) in a single dataframe. Any advice or help would be appreciated. Copy to sample data in a google colab notebook is here

CodePudding user response:

So, just normalize this yourself.

df = pd.DataFrame(
        {"wsid": ws['wsid'], "wsname": ws['wsname'], **rep}
        for ws in sample_json["workspaces"] for rep in ws['report']

CodePudding user response:

The package jertl can be used for this.

In [1]: import jertl

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [3]: sample_json = ... #removed for brevity

In [4]: pattern = '''
   ...: {
   ...: "workspaces": [*_,
   ...:     {
   ...:         "wsid":   wsid,
   ...:         "wsname": wsname,
   ...:         "report": [*_, {"reportname": reportname}, *_]
   ...:     },
   ...:     *_]
   ...: }
   ...: '''

In [5]: df = pd.DataFrame(match_.bindings for match_ in jertl.match_all(pattern, sample_json))

In [6]: df
  wsid           wsname reportname
0    1   firstworkspace      r1ws1
1    1   firstworkspace      r2ws1
2    1   firstworkspace      r1ws1
3    2  secondworkspace      r1ws2
4    2  secondworkspace      r2ws2
5    2  secondworkspace      r1ws2

pattern defines the structure to look for. It is intentionally JSON like. wsid, wsname and reportname are variables. The *_s are splatted anonymous variables which match any number of list items.

Shameless self promotion alert. I am the author of jertl.

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