Home > database >  (ASSEMBLY NASM x64 linux) how to move values to variables defined in data section?
(ASSEMBLY NASM x64 linux) how to move values to variables defined in data section?


I'm trying to move a value to a variable in the data session but when I do it in mov [valor], rax I get invalid characters instead of a number that was supposed to be the subtraction of the current value of the variable minus 1.

    section .text
    global main,_start
    mov ebp, esp

;read int value
mov edx,4
mov ecx,valor
mov ebx,1
mov eax,3
int 0x80

;write int value
mov edx,4
mov ecx,valor
mov ebx,1
mov eax,4
int 0x80

;load variable in stack
mov rax,valor
push rax
;load number 1 in stack
mov rax,1
push rax

;subtraction (valor - 1)
pop rbx
pop rax
sub rax,rbx
mov [valor], rax 

;write again int value
mov edx,4
mov ecx,valor
mov ebx,1
mov eax,4
int 0x80

mov ebx,0
mov eax,1
int 0x80

    section .data
valor: dd "%d", 4

The output when i enter with number 2:

2       ;first print
�@     ;second print

I appreciate any help

CodePudding user response:

In NASM an instruction like mov rax,valor will load the address of the valor variable. You need its value, so write mov rax, [valor].
Normally before doing subtraction on an inputted number you would need to convert the inputted characters into their binary equivalent, but your input of "2" can get subtracted by 1 the way you are doing it now:

; input "2"
mov eax, [valor]
sub eax, 1
mov [valor], eax
; output "1"

You can of course use the stack like you were doing if that's for learning purposes...

    section .data
valor: dd "%d", 4

This "%d" serves no purpose! Writing valor: dd 0 makes more sense. Putting valor in the .bss section would make the most sense.

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