I have a json file that has some parmeters with a nested object in it. And I'm trying to save this json file to the database. Altough I keep reciving this error:
" query did not return a unique result: 2; nested exception is javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException: query did not return a unique result: 2"
"personId" : "1xxxxxxx",
"invoiceDate" : "2020-10-12",
"invoiceAmount" :"300",
"invoiceNumber" :"x123"
"invoiceAmount" :"100",
"invoiceNumber" :"x122"
So to insert an object in my DTO that has an array of (Invoices) I created an Object name invoices of type InvoicesDTO, then I tried to itirate through these Object everytime a request will be reviced using this API. But Still I get this error.
the dto's for Invoice and invoices:
public class InvoiceDTO {
@NotNull(message = "PersonId can't be null")
private String personId;
@NotNull(message = "invoiceDate can't be null")
// @DateTimeFormat(iso = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd"))
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private LocalDate invoiceDate;
private InvoicesDTO invoices;
public class InvoicesDTO implements List<InvoicesDTO> {
@NotNull(message = "invoice Number can't be null")
private String invoiceNumber;
@NotNull(message = "invoiceAmount can't be null")
private Double invoiceAmount;
try {
//Add the new amount of the invoice to an existing debts
Optional<Debts> debts = debtsRepository.findDebtsByPersonIdAndOrganization_id(invoiceDTO.getPersonId(),organization.get().getId());
Optional<Madeen> madeenOptional = madeenRepository.findByPersonId(invoiceDTO.getPersonId());
List<InvoicesDTO> invoicesDTO = invoiceDTO.getInvoices();
for (InvoicesDTO invoices : invoicesDTO) {
Debts newDebt = new Debts(); //Only debts
CodePudding user response:
Optional<Debts> debts = debtsRepository.findDebtsByPersonIdAndOrganization_id(invoiceDTO.getPersonId(),organization.get().getId());
Optional<Madeen> madeenOptional = madeenRepository.findByPersonId(invoiceDTO.getPersonId());
returns more than one rows. Check the tables, please
CodePudding user response:
You get this exception if you query returns more than one result and you expect that will returns one result
So check if you have more than line that has personId = 1xxxxxxx