Home > database >  HomeController not found. You need to call Get.put(HomeController()) or Get.lazyPut(()=>HomeContr
HomeController not found. You need to call Get.put(HomeController()) or Get.lazyPut(()=>HomeContr


I made todo app using getx package. I also created a login page and i want to display login page only one time but when i try to do this i a got error "HomeController" not found. You need to call "Get.put(HomeController())" or "Get.lazyPut(()=>HomeController())".

this is my binding


class HomeBinding implements Bindings {
  void dependencies() {
    Get.lazyPut(() => HomeController(
          taskRepository: TaskRepository(
            taskProvider: TaskProvider(),


this is my main.dart


int? isViewed;

void main() async {
  await GetStorage.init();
  await Get.putAsync(() => StorageService().init());
  await ScreenUtil.ensureScreenSize();
  await GetStorage.init();
  await Get.putAsync(() => StorageService().init());

  LicenseRegistry.addLicense(() async* {
    final license = await rootBundle.loadString('google_fonts/OFL.txt');
    yield LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks(['google_fonts'], license);
  SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
  isViewed = prefs.getInt('login');


class MyApp extends GetView<HomeController> {
  const MyApp({
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        SystemUiOverlayStyle(statusBarColor: Colors.transparent));
    return ScreenUtilInit(
        designSize: const Size(360, 800),
        minTextAdapt: true,
        splitScreenMode: true,
        builder: (context, child) {
          return GetMaterialApp(
            debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
            title: 'Flutter Demo',
            theme: Themes.light,
            darkTheme: Themes.dark,
            themeMode: ThemeMode.light,
            home: isViewed != 0 ? Login() : Report(),
            initialBinding: HomeBinding(),
            builder: EasyLoading.init(),


This is the error

I tried almost all method that i was familiar with .

CodePudding user response:

initialize controller into initialbinding

CodePudding user response:

Try adding HomeBinding in getPages array of GetMaterialApp.

Also apply below modifications in below scope

 // initialBinding: HomeBinding(),   ====>> Remove this line

 initialRoute: '/home',  // ====>> Add this line
 getPages: [
      name: "/home",
      page: () => const HomeScreen(),
      binding: HomeBinding(),
   //  ====>> Add other pages like home

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