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Dream database installation steps


of dream database installation steps
1. Create user and group
/root @ localhost ~ # groupadd dinstall
/root @ localhost ~ # useradd - g dinstall dmdba
/root @ localhost ~ # id dmdba
Uid=1001 (dmdba) gid=1001 (group dinstall)=1001 (dinstall)
/root @ localhost ~ # passwd dmdba

2. Create a directory
Database installation directory
/root @ localhost ~ # mkdir/dm8
Change directory owner and group
/root @ localhost ~ # chown -r dmdba: dinstall/dm8

3. Configure the environment variablesSu - dmdba
Vi. The following
Add the following content:
Export DM_HOME=/dm8
The export PATH=$PATH: $HOME/local/bin: $HOME/bin: $DM_HOME/bin: $DM_HOME/tool
Make its effect:
Source. The following

4. Set the file open the largest number of
A: [root @ localhost ~] vi/etc/profile
Add the following content and save the exit
Ulimit -n 81920
Make its effect:
The source/etc/profile
Method 2: [root @ localhost ~] # vi/etc/security/limits. Conf
Dmdba soft nofiles 4096
Dmdba hard nofiles 65536

5. Equipment installation package
According to the server software hardware environment and application requirements to choose corresponding installation package,

6. Install the database software
Mount the database installation package:
[root @ localhost opt] # mount -o loop/opt/dm8_setup. Iso/MNT
[root @ localhost MNT] # ll
The total amount 633569
- r - xr - xr - x 1 root root 645819977 on April 29 16:51 DMInstall. Bin
- r - xr - xr - x 1 root root 2951496 on April 29 16:04 DM_Install. PDF
- r - xr - xr - x 1 root root 848 on April 29 16:07 release_en. TXT
- r - xr - xr - x 1 root root 953 on April 29 16:07 release_zh. TXT
Install the database software:
[root @ localhost MNT] # su - dmdba
[dmdba @ localhost MNT] $export DISPLAY= instead: 0.0
[dmdba @ localhost MNT] $the xhost +
[dmdba @ localhost MNT] $./DMInstall bin
Into the graphical installation interface, typical installation, select the installation path/dm8, execute the script,
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