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Consult: blob generated image file in a datawindow unable to preview and print, this is how to retur


By the following code to save blob to images after
Blob lb_picture
The integer li_FileNum
String ls_Path, ls_errtext
Selectblob blob_zd into: lb_picture from table_name where l_name='201207';
Li_FileNum=FileOpen (' d: \ 123. GIF, StreamMode! The Write! , Shared! , Append!)
If li_FileNum=1 then
Fileclose (li_filenum)
End the if
FileWrite (li_FileNum lb_picture)
Fileclose (li_filenum)
In the datawindow picture is used open space images, the images of the editing interface is above and below the preview is empty
On Windows form of picture controls setpicture (blob) in the form that can be displayed;
Already BMP, JPG, GIF these three can't (JPG in the datawindow direct error: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0 x47 0 x49) has been verified blob generated is GIF image file format,
To generate images into the word document and print preview can see
Not only in the datawindow
As shown in figure:

Control properties:

CodePudding user response:

Expression to compute the column, as Bitmap (" d: \ 111 GIF "), give it a try

CodePudding user response:

Tried, still won't do, and the same problem as before, the effect is the same as

CodePudding user response:

' 'as TJQM,' 'as TZQM datawindow object is this two columns inside all attributes default
Ll_yzh=This. Tab_yz. Tabpage_lsyz. Dw_zyys_lsyz. Object. Yzh [I]
Ls_sflx=This. Tab_yz. Tabpage_lsyz. Dw_zyys_lsyz. Object. SFLX [I]
Ls_path='ca \ temp + ls_type + String (ll_yzh) +'. BMP '

//submit signature
Select count (*) into: ll_count from ca_zy_qz_ys_m where zyh=: is_zyh and CQLS=: ls_type and yzh=: ll_yzh and SFLX=: ls_sflx and tjys_status='1';
If ll_count & lt;=0 then
End the if
//read the picture
SelectBlob tjys_pic Into: lb_pic From ca_zy_qz_ys_m where zyh=: is_zyh and CQLS=: ls_type and yzh=: ll_yzh and SFLX=: ls_sflx and tjys_status='1';
IF in_cst_ca_pic. Uf_pic_read (ls_path lb_pic)=True THEN
Enclosing Tab_yz. Tabpage_lsyz. Dw_zyys_lsyz. Object. TJQM [I]=ls_path
The else
Enclosing Tab_yz. Tabpage_lsyz. Dw_zyys_lsyz. Object. TJQM [I]='
END the IF

See if you can read the download pictures directly to the path assigned to column can display images can also print can also preview

CodePudding user response:

This is a pseudo GIF,

CodePudding user response:

Such as above, is actually a PNG, instead of JPG
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