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Converting a stream of coproduct to a stream of HList - Shapeless and FS2


I have a fs2 Stream Stream[F, C] where C <: Coproduct. And I want to transform it into a Stream[F, H] where H <: HList. This HList should contain all members that the coproduct C had.

So, essentially, a Pipe[F, C, H] .

The fs2 Pipe will work by waiting for at least one of each of the coproduct's members to be pulled, and then once at least one of each are pulled, finally combine it into a HList and output it.

So, it will be used pretty much like so:

type MyCoprod = A : : B : : C : : CNil
type MyHList = A :: B :: C :: HNil

val stream: Stream[F, MyHList] = Stream
  .emits(List(A, B, C)) // my coproducts
  .through(pullAll) // i want to wait for A, B, C to pulled at least once and outputted 
  .map { hlist => ... }

I am very very new to Shapeless, and this is what I could think of before hitting a roadblock:

trait WaitFor[F[_], C <: Coproduct] {
  type Out <: HList

  def apply: Pipe[F, C, Out]

object WaitFor {
  type Aux[F[_], C <: Coproduct, Out0 <: HList] =
    WaitFor[F, C] { type Out = Out0 }

  implicit def make[F[_], C <: Coproduct, L <: HList](implicit
    toHList: ToHList.Aux[C, L]
  ): Aux[F, C, L] = new WaitFor.Aux[F, C, L] {
    override type Out = L

    override def apply: Pipe[F, C, Out] = {
      def go(s2: Stream[F, C], currHList: L): Pull[F, L, Unit] = {
        s2.pull.uncons1.flatMap {
          case Some((coproduct, s3)) => {
            // add or update coproduct member to currHList

            // if currHList is the same as L (our output type) then output it (Pull.output1(currHList)) and clear currHList

            // if not, keep iterating:

            go(s3, ???)

          case None => Pull.done
      go(s1, ???).stream

  def pullAll[F[_], C <: Coproduct](
    stream: Stream[F, C]
  )(implicit ev: WaitFor[F, C]): Stream[F, ev.Out] = {

My roadblock starts here:

    override def apply: Pipe[F, C, Out] = ???

and that's when my knowledge of Shapeless exhausts.

My idea is to keep track of all coproduct members in a tuple (Option[C1], Option[C2], ...).

Once every element in the tuple is Some, I'll covert them to a HList and output them in the Stream.

(I'll be using FS2 Pull to keep track of the state recursively so I'm not worried about that).

But my issue is that, at the value level, there's no way for me to know how long the tuple will be, and for me to construct a tuple.

Any pointers so I can solve this?


CodePudding user response:

Let's do it step by step:

  • your input will be A : : B : : C : : CNil
  • you will store somewhere: newest A, newest B etc
  • initially there won't be any newest value
  • after finding all values you should emit A :: B :: C :: HNil
  • when you are emitting new HList value, you should also reset your intermediate values storage
  • that suggest that it would be handy to store these intermediate values as Option[A] :: Option[B] :: Option[C] :: HNil

So, let's write a type class which would help us with it:

import shapeless._

// A type class for collecting Coproduct elements (last-wins)
// until they could be combined into an HList element

// Path-dependent types and Aux for better DX, e.g. when one
// would want Collector[MyType] without manually entering HLists
trait Collector[Input] {

  type Cache
  type Result

  // pure computation of an updated cache
  def updateState(newInput: Input, currentState: Cache): Cache

  // returns Some if all elements of Cache are Some, None otherwise
  def attemptConverting(updatedState: Cache): Option[Result]

  // HLists of Nones
  def emptyCache: Cache
object Collector {

  type Aux[Input, Cache0, Result0] = Collector[Input] {
    type Cache = Cache0
    type Result = Result0

  def apply[Input](implicit
      collector: Collector[Input]
  ): Collector.Aux[Input, collector.Cache, collector.Result] =

  // obligatory empty Coproduct/HList case to terminate recursion
  implicit val nilCollector: Collector.Aux[CNil, HNil, HNil] =
    new Collector[CNil] {

      type Cache = HNil
      type Result = HNil

      override def updateState(newInput: CNil, currentState: HNil): HNil = HNil

      override def attemptConverting(updatedState: HNil): (Option[HNil]) =

      override def emptyCache: HNil = HNil

  // here we define the actual recursive derivation
  implicit def consCollector[
      InputTail <: Coproduct,
      CacheTail <: HList,
      ResultTail <: HList
      tailCollector: Collector.Aux[InputTail, CacheTail, ResultTail]
  ): Collector.Aux[Head : : InputTail, Option[
  ] :: CacheTail, Head :: ResultTail] =
    new Collector[Head : : InputTail] {

      type Cache = Option[Head] :: CacheTail
      type Result = Head :: ResultTail

      override def updateState(
          newInput: Head : : InputTail,
          currentState: Option[Head] :: CacheTail
      ): Option[Head] :: CacheTail = newInput match {
        case Inl(head) => Some(head) :: currentState.tail
        case Inr(tail) =>
          currentState.head :: tailCollector.updateState(

      override def attemptConverting(
          updatedState: Option[Head] :: CacheTail
      ): Option[Head :: ResultTail] =
        for {
          head <- updatedState.head
          tail <- tailCollector.attemptConverting(updatedState.tail)
        } yield head :: tail

      override def emptyCache: Option[Head] :: CacheTail =
        None :: tailCollector.emptyCache

This code doesn't assume how we would store our cache not how we would update it. So we might test it with some impure code:

import shapeless.ops.coproduct.Inject

type Input = String : : Int : : Double : : CNil
val collector = Collector[Input]

// dirty, but good enough for demo
var cache = collector.emptyCache

  Inject[Input, String].apply("test1"),
  Inject[Input, String].apply("test2"),
  Inject[Input, String].apply("test3"),
  Inject[Input, Int].apply(1),
  Inject[Input, Int].apply(2),
  Inject[Input, Int].apply(3),
  Inject[Input, Double].apply(3),
  Inject[Input, Double].apply(4),
  Inject[Input, Double].apply(3),
  Inject[Input, String].apply("test4"),
  Inject[Input, Int].apply(4),
).foreach { input =>
  val newCache = collector.updateState(input, cache)
  collector.attemptConverting(newCache) match {
    case Some(value) =>
      println(s"Product computed: value!")
      cache = collector.emptyCache
    case None =>
      cache = newCache
  println(s"Current cache: $cache")

We can check with Scaste that it prints what we expect it would.

Current cache: Some(test1) :: None :: None :: HNil
Current cache: Some(test2) :: None :: None :: HNil
Current cache: Some(test3) :: None :: None :: HNil
Current cache: Some(test3) :: Some(1) :: None :: HNil
Current cache: Some(test3) :: Some(2) :: None :: HNil
Current cache: Some(test3) :: Some(3) :: None :: HNil
Product computed: test3 :: 3 :: 3.0 :: HNil!
Current cache: None :: None :: None :: HNil
Current cache: None :: None :: Some(4.0) :: HNil
Current cache: None :: None :: Some(3.0) :: HNil
Current cache: Some(test4) :: None :: Some(3.0) :: HNil
Product computed: test4 :: 4 :: 3.0 :: HNil!
Current cache: None :: None :: None :: HNil

Now, it's a matter of how we'll thread this intermediate result through the FS2 Stream. One way would be to use Ref

for {
  // for easy passing of cache around
  cacheRef <- Stream.eval(Ref[IO].of(collector.emptyCache))
  // source of Coproducts
  input <- Stream[IO, Input](
    Inject[Input, String].apply("test1"),
    Inject[Input, String].apply("test2"),
    Inject[Input, String].apply("test3"),
    Inject[Input, Int].apply(1),
    Inject[Input, Int].apply(2),
    Inject[Input, Int].apply(3),
    Inject[Input, Double].apply(3)
  updateCache = cacheRef.modify[Stream[IO, collector.Result]] { cache =>
    val newCache = collector.updateState(input, cache)
    collector.attemptConverting(newCache) match {
      case Some(value) => collector.emptyCache -> Stream(value)
      case None        => newCache -> Stream.empty
  // emits new HList only if all of its elements has been gathered 
  hlist <- Stream.eval(updateCache).flatten
} yield hlist

One might modify this code to fit their aesthetics: extract updateCache to some function, use state monad or whatever. I guess turning it into pipe would be, e.g.:

// you might replace cats.effect.IO with F[_]: Monad, use something
// else instead of Ref, or whatever
def collectCoproductsToHList[Input](
    implicit collector: Collector[Input]
): IO[Pipe[IO, Input, collector.Result]] = 
  Ref[IO].of(collector.emptyCache).map { cacheRef =>
    val pipe: Pipe[IO, Input, collector.Result] = inputStream => for {
      input <- inputStream
      updateCache = cacheRef.modify[Stream[IO, collector.Result]] { cache =>
        val newCache = collector.updateState(input, cache)
        collector.attemptConverting(newCache) match {
          case Some(value) => collector.emptyCache -> Stream(value)
          case None        => newCache             -> Stream.empty
      hlist <- Stream.eval(updateCache).flatten
    } yield hlist

CodePudding user response:

Just to add to @Mateusz Kubuszok amazing answer, this is how I decided to store the Collector cache (fs2 Pull way):

trait CollectorPipe[F[_], C <: Coproduct] {
  type Out <: HList

  def pipe: Pipe[F, C, Out]

object CollectorPipe {
  type Aux[F[_], C <: Coproduct, Out0 <: HList] =
    CollectorPipe[F, C] { type Out = Out0 }

  def instance[F[_], C <: Coproduct, Out0 <: HList](tubo: Pipe[F, C, Out0]): Aux[F, C, Out0] =
    new CollectorPipe[F, C] {
      override type Out = Out0
      override def pipe: Pipe[F, C, Out0] = tubo

  implicit def make[
    C <: Coproduct
    collector: Collector[C]
  ): Aux[F, C, collector.Result] = instance { s1 =>
    def go(s2: Stream[F, C], curr: collector.Cache): Pull[F, collector.Result, Unit] = {
      s2.pull.uncons1.flatMap {
        case Some((c, s3)) => {
          val newState = collector.updateState(c, curr)

          collector.attemptConverting(newState) match {
            case Some(value) => Pull.output1(value) >> go(s3, collector.emptyCache)
            case None        => go(s3, newState)
        case None          => Pull.done

    go(s1, collector.emptyCache).stream

  implicit class CollectorPipeStreamOps[F[_], A <: Coproduct](private val s: Stream[F, A]) {
    def pullAll(implicit ev: CollectorPipe[F, A]): Stream[F, ev.Out] = s.through(ev.pipe)
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