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Insert or update multiples rows


I have two tables where TableA has latest data and TableB has some old data. I want to update TableB's data if it matches id with TableA and if doesn't match insert new row in TableB.

enter image description here

I got a solution from stackOverflow

begin tran
if exists (select * from t with (updlock,serializable) where pk = @id)
   update t set hitCount = hitCount 1
   where pk = @id
   insert t (pk, hitCount)
   values (@id, 1)
commit tran

But it seems I need to pass @id each time, may be I am not getting it in the correct way. I have hundreds of row to update/insert from tableA.

CodePudding user response:

Think relationally.

SQL Server always operates sets. A single row is just a set of 1 row.

Here is a simple example of two step update - insert operations

create table #tableA(id int, [year] int, updated_value int)

insert #tableA(id,[year],updated_value)

create table #tableB(id int, [year] int, score int)

insert #tableB(id,[year],score)

update #tableA set
from #tableA a
inner join #tableB b on a.id=b.id --inner is important

insert #tableA(id,[year],updated_value)
select b.id,b.[year],b.score
from #tableB b
left join #tableA a on a.id=b.id --left is important
where a.id is null -- and this line too

select * from #tableA

If you wish you can combine update and insert in a single merge operation.

merge #tableA as tgt
using #tableB as src
    on src.id=tgt.id
when matched then
    update set updated_value=src.score
when not matched then
; -- semicoloumn is required

select * from #tableA
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