I am having issue with this undefined error message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'keyPad' of undefined
I'm not sure how to resolve this error. What am I doing incorrect that it's unable to read the property? Error is in the method below
class logout extends BasePage {
constructor() {
this.inputField = Selector(
async logoutProcess() {
await t
.ok({ timeout: 2000 });
await this.numberKeypad.type('100');
I have the basePage:
export class BasePage {
numberKeyPad: NumberKeypadModel;
constructor() {
this.numberKeyPad = new NumberKeypadModel();
Finally I have the NumberKeypadModel page with the type method I'm trying to call on:
export class NumberKeypadModel {
keyPad: Selector;
constructor() {
this.keyPad = Selector('.keypad').with({ timeout: 500 });
async type(num: string) {
for (const char of [...num]) {
await t.click(
CodePudding user response:
Capitalization difference:
In your class it's numberKeyPad
this.numberKeyPad = new NumberKeypadModel();
But then you attempt to access numberKeypad